Read of the Week: Memorial Day-related reading material May 24, 2012 Uncategorized Memorial Day began as a holiday set aside to honor the men and woman who sacrificed their lives in American military service. More
SAR stays active May 24, 2012 Uncategorized Carroll Crowther was elected Senior Vice President of the S.C. Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for 2012 at the More
Centennial celebration May 24, 2012 Uncategorized The First Presbyterian Church of Beaufort, located downtown at North and Church streets, recognized its 100th year with the designation of an More
LOUD partners with local organizations to garner funds for appearance on HBO May 24, 2012 Uncategorized As July gets closer and the school year comes to a close, LOUD students, armed with sponsorship packets, hit the streets to More
Little Bits of Royal Chatter May 24, 2012 Contributors By Peggy Chandler The Royal Readers Book Club welcomed a new member, Micalene Roberts, at its annual Hunting Island meeting. The book More
History with Holly: Decoration Day May 24, 2012 Contributors By Hattie Lawton Ficklin “Decoration Day” was a favorite holiday for me when I was a child. We spent all day in More
Daughters of the American Revolution have annual spring luncheon May 24, 2012 Uncategorized The Thomas Heyward Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met for their annual spring luncheon this month and installed their More
The Lunch Bunch is treated to a special tasting menu at Griffin Market May 24, 2012 Lunch Bunch By Pamela Brownstein Riccardo Bonino, owner of Griffin Market, treated the Lunch Bunch to an absolutely incredibly tasting of the best that More
Even wines get promotions May 24, 2012 Wine By Celia Strong It’s true. Even wines can get promoted. Not all of them of course, but, in countries where there are More
Is greener grass worth the risk? May 24, 2012 Pets A long time ago, when I was a new first homeowner, I had a lawn service treat my yard. It seemed the More
What To Do May 24, 2012 What To Do Pickled on the Porch tradition continues Pickled on the Porch: A summer tradition continues Thursday, May 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. More
Sheriff’s Office investigating shooting incident on St. Helena Island May 21, 2012 Community The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting incident that left one man injured Friday night. Just after 9 pm, Sheriff’s More