Interim Beaufort Police Chief Stehpenie Price, left, chats with Raymond Zielinski and his wife, Samantha, during a meet-the-candidates event for the City of Beaufort’s Chief of Police position on Friday, May 17, at Beaufort City Hall. Price has been acting Chief of Police since the retirement of Chief Dale McDorman in January. Bob Sofaly/The Island News

Beaufort’s finest finalists

Candidates for Police Chief interview with City Council, Citizen’s Council; meet public

By Mike McCombs

The Island News

Friday, May 17, was the big day for the two finalists for the City of Beaufort’s Chief of Police job.

Interim Police Chief Stephenie Price, who has held the position since Chief Dale McDorman retired in January, and Kenneth J. “Ken” Klamar, Chief of Police in Sunset Beach, N.C., ran the gauntlet of interviews in front of a committee, staff, the City Council and members of the public.

First thing Friday morning, the two candidates were interviewed by a Citizens’ Panel – made up of five members, each specifically chosen by a member of the City Council — in the Police Department Training Room.

Then, before midday, the candidates met with City of Beaufort Police staff and employees, before again facing questions for two hours, this time from the Beaufort City Council.

And finally, the day culminated with a meet-and-greet from 6:30 to 8 p.m., with members of the public in the foyer of City Hall.

“I feel like it went great as far as the process goes,” Beaufort City Manager Scott Marshall said. “It’s definitely going to be a tough choice.”

Beaufort City Counciman Josh Scallate, left, chats with Ken Klamar, Chief of the Sunset Beach, N.C., Police Department North Carolina, during a meet-the-candidates event for the City of Beaufort’s Chief of Police position on Friday, May 17 at Beaufort City Hall. The job is currently filled by Interim Chief Stephenie Price. Klamar and Price were on hand to meet the public and answer any questions they might have. Bob Sofaly/The Island News

If there was a shortcoming in the process, it may have been the final event. The vast majority of attendees of the meet-and-greet were City or Beaufort Police employees.

Marshall said he was “mildly disappointed” at the public turnout.

“You never know what you’re going to get with an event like this,” he said.

One of the attendees was Lisa Clancy, widow of Matt Clancy, who spent more than a decade as Beaufort’s Police Chief before dying from cancer in 2020.

“If anything, I’m disappointed that more people from the community aren’t here,” said Clancy.

It has been very thorough. It’s been an excellent opportunity to ebgage staff, elected officials

Klamar said he enjoyed the process amd learned a lot about the city, its people and its police department.

Very committed to what they do,” Klamar said of department staff. “There’s a real sense of team here, which is important for me. They all seem to want the same thing, the betterment of this city.”

Klamar admitted this particular interview process was tough since everyone in Sunset Beach could watch these interviews online.

“It’s difficult, … if I don’t get this job, …” he said. “They know I interviewed. But I’m a professional. I do the best possible job that I can as a law enforcement officer. This is an opportunity to do something bigger and better for my career.”

Price said she was happy that the community, especially the citizen’s council was included in the process.

“A long and involved process,” she said, “but it’s necessary and important to the city.”

She also said she enjoyed meeting Klamar.

“He was very nice,” she said. “He had a lot of solid questions. It was a great conversation.”

As the evening ended, the decision was left resting squarely on the shoulders of Marshall, who said he’d look back at the feedback and the evaluations and seek whatever counsel necessary.

“It’s not a decision that I’m going to make this evening or overnight,” he said Friday night.

To watch the Citizen’s Panel interviews of the two finalists for City of Beaufort Police Chief, go to

To watch the Beaufort City Council’s interviews of the two finalists for City of Beaufort Police Chief, go to

Mike McCombs is the Editor of The Island News and can be reached at

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