Beaufort’s Steve Prince, 72, joined the United States Marine Corps in New Orleans in 1969. After boot camp in San Diego, he trained in Ordnance at Fort Sill followed by duty at Camp Lejeune with deployments to Puerto Rico and aboard ship. Following that assignment he converted to Admin duty before training to be an Air Traffic Controller. That duty took him to MCAS Beaufort, then Iwakuni, Japan, back to Beaufort and then MCAS Kaneohe.

Prince then became an instructor at the Air Traffic Controller’s school in Memphis for three years. After that it was to a squadron at MCAS Beaufort with deployments to the Mediterranean and twice to Wisconsin for six months each. His final assignment was with MCAS Beaufort from which he retired in 2013 as a Master Sergeant with 22 years of service. After a couple years, he began work with Marine Corps Community Services at PI maintaining and remodeling buildings. He’s been a Service Officer with the DAV Chapter 12 here in Beaufort for the past seven years.
Compiled by John Chubb, American Legion Post 9. For nominations, contact