School notes


• The BCHS SADD Club is collecting the front of holiday cards for the recycle program at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. Cards for any occasion can be donated, but must be free of any writing on the inside of the front of the card. (They cannot collect Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards for this program.) St. Jude’s Ranch for Children recycles used greeting cards and creates new holiday and all-occasion greeting cards.  Recycled cards are sold to support programs and services for abused, neglected and homeless children, young adults and families. Card fronts may be dropped off with Mrs. Grooms in the front office. Card fronts are accepted year

Students from the “HYPE” group at Whale Branch Early College High School recently visited Whale Branch Elementary School. HYPE stands for Healthy Young People Empowerment, and the project promotes healthy decision making, positive peer communication, healthy relationships, culture and tradition, physical activity and focus on empowerment while encouraging students to think, learn, act, share and evaluate their own neighborhoods. This group of high school students will begin mentoring students at the elementary school level. Above is pictured members of the HYPE group with Whale Branch Elementary School principal Lynn Singleton.
Students from the “HYPE” group at Whale Branch Early College High School recently visited Whale Branch Elementary School. HYPE stands for Healthy Young People Empowerment, and the project promotes healthy decision making, positive peer communication, healthy relationships, culture and tradition, physical activity and focus on empowerment while encouraging students to think, learn, act, share and evaluate their own neighborhoods. This group of high school students will begin mentoring students at the elementary school level. Above is pictured members of the HYPE group with Whale Branch Elementary School principal Lynn Singleton.

round for any holiday/birthday.

• The BCHS SADD Club is also participating in Souper Bowl of Caring and will be collecting cans of any kind of soup. Donation boxes will be available in the front office. The cans collected will be donated to the Grays Hill Baptist Church Food Pantry and to Love House Ministries Food pantry.  The last date to collect cans of soup will be January 31. See Mrs. Grooms for more details.


• The Beaufort-Jasper Academy for Career Excellence Agriculture Department will hold an Adult Education meeting on the second Tuesday of each month beginning on January 14 at 5:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.  Anyone interested in Animal Science or Horticulture is welcome to attend. Please call Agriculture teacher Mrs. Beth Ann Melton at 843-987-8107 or email for more information.



• Tuesday, Jan. 14: BA Upper School participants to attend the SCISA State Math Meet.

• Save the date for next Parents’ Association Meeting on Thursday, Jan. 16, at 8:30 a.m. (right after drop off).

Beaufort Academy third grader Jayden Gibson teamed up with two Mary Kay Consultants and participated in Operation Adopt a Grandparent. Jayden also asked his classmates, local businesses, family, and friends to consider sponsoring a senior citizen for the holidays. Each $25 donation purchased a senior citizen a Mary Kay gift set along with other goodies. On Dec. 20, 2013, Jayden, along with two of his classmates, G Simmons and Katherine Taylor, delivered 40 gift sets to Senior Services of Beaufort -Burton Wells Senior Center.  G and Katherine were the first two who agreed to each donate $25 and help make this happen. Jayden was so excited about giving to those who are least likely to receive anything for the holidays. Senior citizens are often left out during the holidays, and his thought was maybe we can put a smile on a few of their faces.
Beaufort Academy third grader Jayden Gibson teamed up with two Mary Kay Consultants and participated in Operation Adopt a Grandparent. Jayden also asked his classmates, local businesses, family, and friends to consider sponsoring a senior citizen for the holidays. Each $25 donation purchased a senior citizen a Mary Kay gift set along with other goodies. On Dec. 20, 2013, Jayden, along with two of his classmates, G Simmons and Katherine Taylor, delivered 40 gift sets to Senior Services of Beaufort -Burton Wells Senior Center. G and Katherine were the first two who agreed to each donate $25 and help make this happen. Jayden was so excited about giving to those who are least likely to receive anything for the holidays. Senior citizens are often left out during the holidays, and his thought was maybe we can put a smile on a few of their faces.

• Start the New Year right and register today for the Chilly Bean 5K and Chili Cook-off, to be held on Saturday, February 1, at Coosaw Point. Pre-registration by Jan. 25 is $30/adult and $15 for 18 and under. Race Day Registration is $35/adult and $20 for 18 and under. Tickets to the chilly cook off only are $10 each or family pass for $40. Register at BA or online at  Visit the event website,, for all the information including on and off line registration.



• Bridges Preparatory School announces two open house events in Downtown Beaufort on Monday, January 13, and Tuesday, January 21, 2014, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the school’s Main Campus, located at 1100 Boundary St., and K-1 Campus, located at 1001 Hamar St. (

• New student applications for the 2014-2015 school year are now available on the school’s website,, and at the front desk. BPS will be accepting applications until January 31, 2014. Students currently enrolled are not required to fill out a new student application form, but rather an Intent to Return form, also available online.

• BPS is holding an upcoming community outreach event Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 11 a.m. at Walgreens on Lady’s Island. For more information on this and other outreach events, please contact Amy Roberts at


• Parents of Special Needs Students: Please join us for a parent workshop, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This workshop will benefit parents of students who are receiving specific modifications in classes. Topics of discussion include What is Section 504? Who is eligible for 504 Plan? How would a 504 Plan help my child? 504 Compliance and Requirements. The workshop will be held Thursday, January 9, 2014, at Robert Smalls Middle School, Room J-1, 6 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by Beaufort County School Parent/Community REACH Center and presented by Parents Reaching Out to Parents of South Carolina (PRO-Parents). This is a free workshop, refreshments served. All participants will receive a two-hour certificate of attendance. Call to register 1-800-759-4776 or 803-772-5688.


• The newly-elected Riverview Charter School Board of Directors for 2014 include Reece Bertholf, Lamarr Cooler, Jaime Dailey-Vergara, Jennifer Drugge, Edward Foster, Cathy Hoogenboom and Evy Trask. Denise Jones was also elected by the board to serve the remainder of the term for a recently vacated seat.

• New Student Enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year began January 1. Applications for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade can now be downloaded via the school’s website. Riverview will be accepting new student applications through Friday, January 31, 2014. Options for returning completed applications to Riverview are as follows:

1. Drop off to the front office at Riverview from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday;

2. Via USPS mail to: Riverview Charter School, 81 Savannah Highway, Beaufort, SC 29906;

3. Fax to Riverview at 843-379-0133;

4. Scan and email completed applications to

In addition, tours of the school are available at 9 a.m. on Wednesdays during the month of January, and an Open House will be held for all prospective students and their families at Riverview on Thursday, January 23 at 6 p.m.

Once applications are received, Riverview will mail a postcard confirmation within three business days to the address on the application.  If you do not receive a confirmation postcard by Thursday, January 30, please call the office at 843-379-0123.



• The 5th grade class at St. Peter Catholic School is collecting nearly new (or new) books for Child Abuse Prevention Association’s (CAPA) Open Arms Shelter, in order to stock their library for the children who stay there. The goal is to be able to give each child a book to keep. Beginning January 6 and continuing through the month, book donations may be dropped off at the school office. Please contact the school at 843-522-2163 with any questions or if you are interested in helping deliver the books when the collection ends.

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