By Delayna Earley
The Island News
School for Beaufort County School District students has been cancelled for Wednesday, March 5, due to the forecasted storm and wind conditions in the area, according to a release from the district.
All district buildings will be closed and all extracurricular and athletic activities scheduled for Wednesday are also cancelled.
Students are expected to return to in-person learning on Thursday, March 6, unless the district communicates otherwise.
The release from the district says that the BCSD does not make these decisions lightly and has many factors to consider, particularly wind gusts over 40 mph that make traveling in a school bus unsafe.
The release also announced that students would not have to do E-learning as well, as the district has exhausted the five possible E-learning make-up days that it is allowed during the school year.
The last previously scheduled weather make-up day is March 17, and it is being used to make up one of the three days that students missed in January 2025 due to Winter Storm Enzo.
The Beaufort County Board of Education voted in February to waive adding a weather make-up day at the end of the school year to make up the third missed day due to Winter Storm Enzo.
According to BCSD Communications Officer Candace Bruder, the board can waive up to two more days, three in total, after which the decision to add or waive days goes to the state.
Bruder said in an email that the Board would likely vote on whether to make-up Wednesday’s missed day in a future Board of Education meeting.
Delayna Earley, who joined The Island News in 2022, formerly worked as a photojournalist for The Island Packet/The Beaufort Gazette, as well as newspapers in Indiana and Virginia. She can be reached at