School briefs

• Thursday, March 15, The Poetry Alive troupe from Asheville will give a presentation to each grade (6th-8th) in the Beaufort Middle School cafeteria. Also, the school will feature “Math Night” at Showcase that starts 6 p.m.
• Thursday, March 15 is the Regional Middle School Science Fair at Parris Island for Beaufort Academy.
• Thursday, March 15, at Lady’s Island Elementary School is the Science Fair Awards and also the School Improvement Council (SIC) meeting, 4 p.m.
• Friday, March 16 is Spirit Day at Riverview Charter School. Wear the shirt or jersey of your favorite team — professional or college — with a uniform bottom. Bring $2 and show your team spirit. Students are encouraged but not require to participate.
• Saturday, March 17, Shamrock Shakedown at Q on Bay is a community event to benefit Beaufort Academy. $40 ticket advance purchase/$45 at the door, includes live band, silent auction, BBQ, beer and wine; 21 and over. See for more information.
• Tuesday, March 20, Grandparents Raising Grandparents Conference, Beaufort Elementary, 6 p.m.

BMX bike show
On March 8 students at Coosa Elementary enjoyed the BMX bike show “The Freestyle Connection” courtesy of the school PTO. During the program students reviewed bike safety, the importance of working hard, and school core values of respect, integrity and responsibility.

Pi Day at BA
The Beaufort Academy Math Department is once again spearheading a slew of activities for the middle and upper school students on pi day (3.14). Students will be asked to bring canned goods, in hopes that we will collect 314. These will be picked up by the Franciscan Center Tuesday afternoon. Students will be bringing pies and circular foods and classes will have areas of the school to decorate for Einstein’s Birthday. All middle and upper school students will partake in a photo of the symbol pi and 3.14 on Wednesday afternoon.

Students buy new recess equipment

Ms. Snyder’s third grade class is showing off new recess equipment they helped purchase through Labels for Education.

Students at Broad River Elementary needed new recess equipment so they did something about it! They purchased it by collecting Labels for Education points. Each week, class teams turn in their points to move their football down the field in an effort to score a touchdown and earn free time. So not only do they help earn free recess equipment for their school, they get extra physical activity time to use it! Students now enjoy playing soccer, football, basketball, kickball, volleyball, baseball and jump rope every day at recess. If you would like to help BRES earn even more equipment, please save the UPC symbols from participating products and drop them off at the school.

Military Moms and Dads
The military plays not only a big part in the life of Beaufort County but also at Broad River Elementary School. Many BRES students have parents who are currently serving in the military.

Broad River Elementary students salute the troops and military parents.

Through the Child & Youth Behavioral Military & Family Life Program these students are able to spend time with a consultant and talk about military life and the adjustments they face when parents are deployed and then reunited. Currently 73 students have a parent in the military and 9 students have both parents serving. Of those 73 students, 47 of them have had a parent deploy at one time or another. In fact, 16 of them have parents who are deployed right now.  BRES is proud not only of all the parents who serve in the military but also the students who represent their military families!

BCBCC holds event at Whale Branch
The Black Chamber of Commerce held its March First Friday at Whale Branch Elementary School on Friday, March 2. The main focus of the event was a Student Artist Showcase featuring artwork from students at Davis Early Learning Center and Whale Branch Elementary School. Parents were also able to participate with their children on an Art Scavenger Hunt. In addition, mortgage information was also provided to parents and guests from the South Carolina Mortgage Association.

Hope Keanne goes to Spain
Beaufort Academy and the Thomas H. Horton, Jr. Memorial Scholarship committee are proud to

Hope Keane is the recipient of the Thomas H. Horton, Jr. Memorial Scholarship, which will fund her study abroad to Spain.

announce the 8th annual scholarship recipient, junior Hope Keane. Tom Horton was a beloved teacher and coach at Beaufort Academy for 24 years.  In 2003 Mr. Horton passed away, leaving a legacy behind.  Tom was also a son, a brother, and an uncle.  His family established the Thomas H. Horton Jr. Memorial Scholarship in 2004 to memorialize his life, and commemorate his contributions to the development of the minds and characters of students.  Due to his love of travel, the scholarship is designated to give Beaufort Academy students a chance to participate in a summer study-abroad program.  Hope Keane, the 2012 recipient, will be traveling to Spain this summer through Aspire by API to participate in a collegiate level Spanish language and culture immersion program.

LIMS students visited BJWSA
Lady’s Island Middle School’s Junior Leadership class visited Beaufort Jasper Water Sewage Authority. The leadership class spent part of the day touring the facility and learning how Beaufort receives it drinking water. Ms. Mandy Abbott and Mr. Matthew Brady, employees of BJWSA guided the class. The students learned through a video presentation and guided tours that Beaufort receives 95 percent of our drinking water via the Savannah River, with the other 5 percent delivered through wells. They also learned that there is an 18-mile canal that feeds the plant from a reservoir inland.

Orangeburg for the SCISA Quiz Bowl
Six of middle school students from St. Peter’s Catholic School traveled to Orangeburg, S.C., to compete in the SCISA Quiz Bowl Competition.  Lilly Allen, John Inglis, Noah Kimbrell, Max Crisologo, Siobhan Murphy and Braden Wilson won the Regional Quiz Bowl competition on February 28 hosted by St. Peter Catholic School. The competition was tough, and the questions ranged in topic from literature to science to geography to math. Though they did not place at the state meet, they said it was an excellent learning experience for all.

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