Letters to the Editor

What are Trump allies teaching their children?
I am so tired of the ongoing challenges to the 2020 Presidential election. Consider this: our courts are our referees in elections. Two years after the big game, and with no legitimate arguments accepted by any judges to change the outcome, these single-minded attempts to delegitimize the result is disheartening at best, and threatening to our national adherence to election results. There was a winner and a loser. Go home and train for the next game.
I suggest that, with another important national election coming up, these groups stop requiring that our tax dollars support their baseless lawsuits against public servants who are busy enough just doing their jobs.

– Carol Brown, Beaufort

Protect greenspaces, preserve our landscapes for the next generation

Growing up, my family piled into our red Suburban named “Big Red” and headed down Highway 17 to get away from Charleston’s hustle and bustle. We spent our weekends in Beaufort County at our family’s place on McCalley Creek. There, we fished, shrimped, and swam in the creek. It was an idyllic childhood which I hope future generations can experience.

In November 2020, I purchased my first home in Beaufort, because of those fond memories growing up. People often ask me what it is like to be a young professional in Beaufort County, and I tell them that it is a great place to work, live, and play — because nature is never too far away. Today, when I go fly fishing for redfish in our marshes, I still feel the same joy and wonderment that I felt as a kid exploring McCalley Creek.

The environmental ethos which guides many Beaufort County residents, and which drew many of us to lay down roots here, has persisted through the years. However, with mounting development pressures in the region, there has never been a more pressing time to invest in preserving our landscapes.

This November, Beaufort County voters have an opportunity to vote on a ballot referendum to secure $100 million dollars for the protection of greenspaces that will benefit us all for generations to come.

On Nov. 8, I encourage you to join me in “Voting YES for Greenspace!” so that young people, like myself, can enjoy our special greenspaces in the future with our children. I look forward to seeing you at the polls — and outside.

– Grant McClure, Coastal Conservation League

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