Historic Preservation Awards given by HBF

Five awards recognizing excellence in historic preservation and support of Historic Beaufort Foundation’s mission were presented at the Foundation’s 47th Annual Meeting March 21st at USCB’s Performing Arts Center.

Historic Preservation Honor Awards celebrating successful and exemplary historic preservation projects around Beaufort County went to:

• St. Peter’s Catholic Church and the Catholic Diocese of Charleston for the restoration of the ca. 1846 St. Peter’s Historic Church at 710 Carteret Street. Rob Montgomery, architect and Beek Webb, contractor. Pat Green, Ray Morin, Father McNeill and Barbara Stanley accepted on behalf of the congregation.

USCB’s Grace White House at 802 Carteret Street was recognized for its re-use and interior renovation.
USCB’s Grace White House at 802 Carteret Street was recognized for its re-use and interior renovation.

• The University of South Carolina Beaufort for its adaptive re-use and interior renovation of the Grace White House at 802 Carteret Street. Eric Brown, architect and Jim Tucker, contractor. Mike Parrott accepted on behalf of USCB. And,

• Peggy and Ed Simmer for their restoration of the ca. 1810 Cuthbert-Scheper House at 915 Port Republic Street; Mike Sutton and Erin Peets, contractors.

All three were recognized as important structures brought to life after each of them sat vacant for periods of time.

The New Construction/Infill Award recognized a new building in the National Historic Landmark District that contributes to the character and design of its surroundings and was presented to LowCountry Habitat for Humanity for new construction at 1010 Church Street. Cooter Ramsey, architect, Jim Inlow, contractor. Brenda Dooley, Habitat executive director, accepted the award.

A variation of the Preservation Honor Award was given to “Beaufort 300” for its drive to establish permanent, updated historic markers in the Waterfront Park celebrating Beaufort’s 300th anniversary in 2011. Kevin Cuppia, Erin Dean,Mike McFee and historian Larry Rowland were recognized.

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