Happenings at Beaufort Academy

Beaufort Academy Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Jill Luckey, led the 4th grade class in a Measuring Mass lab. Students learned

Mrs. Luckey works with students Ben Lubkin and Thomas Tram.
Mrs. Luckey works with students Ben Lubkin and Thomas Tram.

how to use a triple beam balance to find the mass of an object.  The lab included essential prep work and measurement practice for their long term science experiment to discover how and why “decomposers” play such an important role in our environment.

Upcoming events at Beaufort Academy:
•   Friday, August 30: BA cheerleaders will be holding a cheer clinic for BA students in grades PreK-4th.  To learn more, contact Coach Connie Ambrose at 843-524-3393.
•   Friday, August 30: BA’s first home football game of the season!
•   Monday, September 2: No school in observance of Labor Day.
•   Wednesday, September 4: A representative from Wofford College will be on campus.
•   Thursday, September 5: Fourth grade field trip Marsh vs. Pond.
•   Thursday, September 5: Open House and Back to School Bingo, begins at 5:30pm.

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