The Beaufort Garden Club’s 18th annual Garden a Day event begins Monday, June 4, and continues through Friday, June 8. The homeowners of the gardens showcased in the 2012 Garden a Day event are all Master Gardeners. These five private gardens will be open to the public from 9:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. This event is a gift from the doyenne of garden clubs, The Beaufort Garden Club, to the people of Beaufort County and environs. No admission is charged.

For the past 17 years, The Beaufort Garden Club has presented gardens large and small. Some have been professionally designed and maintained. Others are lovingly cared for by the homeowner, who often propagates plants from seeds and cuttings. This is the first time that all five gardens are “Master Gardener” gardens. The Beaufort Garden Club is featuring Master Gardeners in recognition for all they do for Beaufort County.
Homeowners have generously opened their gardens to the public for this special event. A visit will show you what is attainable without the aid of professional assistance. All of these gardens are designed, planted and tended by the homeowner.
Master Gardener Linda Peters tends lovely roses in her five acre property, but she has allowed Mother Nature a free hand in much of the rest of the space. She isn’t hesitant to give her a nudge, though, when she feels it’s needed. “Many plants in my garden are gifts from God. They just appear. Some have gotten out of hand, but I don’t mind very much,” Peters said.
“I seem unable to stop making new beds. There must be some Nomad in my genes, too, because I keep moving things. There is very little rhyme and absolutely no reason to my garden, but it seems to work,” says Master Gardener Sandra Educate. “Plants aren’t an obsession with me, but they’re close!”
Master Gardener Kathi McKinley began to garden when she moved to Beaufort from Pennsylvania. She says that she became a Master Gardener because she had to. She was new to gardening and to the Lowcountry and wanted to be personally involved in creating her landscape and gardens. She credits her Master Gardener training to finding plants, shrubs and trees that co-exist with a persistent deer population.
Master Gardener Tei Tober had a completely blank canvas when she moved to Habersham. It was an opportunity to create a garden without having to work around existing landscaping. She wisely postponed all planting until her soil had been properly amended — using an 18 wheeler truck load of organics. She enjoys every minute she spends in her garden and admits it’s a labor of love.
It is a truism that if you want anything done, give the job to a busy person. Master Gardener Susan Harden is often that person. In addition to an active golf schedule, volunteering, and a busy travel agenda, she takes care of large front and back gardens at her Lady’s Island home. She also tends a fair-sized vegetable garden.
Garden a Day has become a tradition in Beaufort and many visitors to this area schedule their trips during Garden a Day week. What began 18 years ago as a way to celebrate National Garden Week has grown in popularity every year. Last year’s Garden a Day greeted more than 2,000 visitors. Don’t miss it!
Come celebrate National Garden Week and The Beaufort Garden Club’s 18th annual Garden-a-Day.
• Monday, June 4: Master Gardener Linda Peters, 1 Blythewood, Lady’s Island. Five magical acres of an enchanted garden with a surprise around every corner.
• Tuesday, June 5: Master Gardener Sandra Educate, 100 Green Winged Teal North, (Walling Grove), Lady’s Island. Tropicals and aquatics mingle with English roses and unusual specimens in this eclectic garden.
• Wednesday, June 6: Master Gardener Kathi McKinley, 9 Sandy Ridge Road, Beaufort. Dappled sunlight, shades of green and varying textures bring tranquility to this serene and peaceful, deep water property. • Thursday, June 7: Master Gardener Tei Tober, 50 St. Phillips, Habersham. The sound of trickling water invites you to explore this exquisite courtyard garden.
• Friday, June 8, Master Gardener Susan Harden, 121 Sunset Blvd., Lady’s Island.A sea of waving ornamental grasses is the intermezzo between a beautiful home and the waterfront. Colorful flowers and shrubs add grace.
Master Gardeners will be on hand at all homes to answer your questions. For details, e-mail