Deans List and other honors


Amber Shannon of Beaufort has been named to the Fall 2012 Dean’s List at Coker College for earning a 3.75 or higher grade point average (on a 4.0 scale).


Sarah Parks of Beaufort was named to the Dean’s List of Emory College, the undergraduate, liberal arts college of Emory University in Atlanta, Ga., for the 2012 fall semester.


Sydney Boggs of Beaufort was named to Greensboro College’s Dean’s List for the Fall 2012 academic semester.


Anabelle Nuelle of Beaufort, a student in the 11th grade at Kent School in Kent, Connecticut, was named to the honor roll for the winter term of 2012-2013.


During its December commencement exercises, Limestone College awarded degrees to over 450 graduates. Local students who received their degrees from Limestone include:

• Sonya Clemon of Beaufort received a Bachelor of Science degree in Bachelor of Social Work

• Theresa Fripp of Beaufort received a Associate of Science degree in Business Administration

• Verdell Fulton of Beaufort received a Associate of Science degree in Business Administration

• Cherokista Jackson of Beaufort received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration/Management as well as a Bachelor of Science in Accounting


Drew Kristen Lestrud of Beaufort was named to the Miami University dean’s list. Miami University students who ranked in the top 20 percent of undergraduate students within each division for first semester 2012-2013 have been named to the dean’s list recognizing academic performance.


Local residents have been named to the Dean’s List at the Savannah College of Art and Design for fall quarter 2012. Full-time undergraduate students who earn a grade point average of 3.5 or above for the quarter receive recognition on the Dean’s List.

Local residents include:

• Thomas Jackson of Beaufort

• Waymond Singleton of Beaufort

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