By Susan Stone The acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is paralyzing. Fear is contagious. Fear compromises our health
MoreBy Cherimie Crane Weatherford Hurriedly we say our seasonal pleasantries, sashaying from task to time-trimming task only half heartily observing the moment
MoreBy Lee Scott It has already begun. The television stations have started their “Look back at 2015” segments. They show the people
MoreBy Brittney Hiller The air is rich with smells of moisture, spices, and, at times when cool enough, the robust smokiness from
MoreBy Dr. Mark S. Siegel No one chooses gifts with the intent to harm, but some popular children’s toys can cause serious
MoreBy Lee Scott When we moved to Beaufort we decided that we needed to get rid of some odds and ends that