Beaufort Police refines its demographics reports

From staff reports

The Beaufort Police Department’s monthly demographics citations report will now show two separate tables for criminal citations and traffic citations.

Previously, both kinds of citations were grouped together. In addition, the monthly warnings table now shows by demographic how many traffic stops happened during the month, and how many of those resulted in tickets.

In July 2020, the Police Department began posting various monthly and yearly reports on its website (under Data & Transparency) to show its commitment to transparency. Among these is a monthly demographics report for citations, which shows the gender, race, and age range of those people issued citations in any month.

The reports, beginning in January 2021, will now split the citations into two categories: traffic and criminal. Criminal citations can include such things as shoplifting, trespassing, simple possession of marijuana, and public intoxication. Traffic citations can include such things as speeding or causing an accident.

“Putting citations into two categories gives us a better and more accurate snapshot of monthly activity,” Police Chief Dale McDorman said. “We will continue to refine our reports to ensure that they are fair and accurate.”

McDorman noted that it’s possible for one person to receive multiple citations. For example, someone who is stopped for speeding may also be given a ticket for a suspended license if the officer discovers that during the stop.

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