Who’s News for the week of March 24th-30th

Photo above: BMH nurse Jana McClendon (center left holding the Daisy award) is congratulated by her 4th floor co-workers and several members of the hospital’s management team.

McClendon receives Daisy Award at BMH

Beaufort Memorial Hospital fourth floor assistant department director Lisa Terwilliger didn’t think anything of it when she saw one of her nurses sitting in an elderly patient’s hospital room caressing his hand and talking softly to him.

The compassion Jana McClendon showed to the dying man wouldn’t have been so unusual, except she wasn’t the nurse assigned to care for him. But he had been her patient during his first few weeks in the hospital and she wanted him to feel someone was there for him in his
final days.

“I saw her go through the ritual on numerous nights,” Terwilliger said. “Instead of going to the nurses’ station at the end of her shift to document reports, she would use the computer in his room so she could sit with him while she worked.”

A month later, Terwilliger watched McClendon take the same care with another hospice patient.

Earlier this month, McClendon was honored with the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses, a national tribute reserved for RNs who go the extra mile to care for patients and their families.

“It brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart to see the dignity and caring she showed these patients at the end of their lives,” said Terwilliger, who nominated McClendon for the prestigious nursing award. “You can’t teach that kind of compassion. It comes from within.”

A 2015 graduate of the USCB nursing program, the 24-year-old McClendon has been working as an RN at Beaufort Memorial for less than eight months. She said she felt a special affection for both patients because neither had family members who could be present.

“Jana is a prime example of what a nurse should be,” Terwilliger said. “She’s warm and compassionate and believes in the human touch in caring for her patients.”

Sterling of Bluffton to run for Congress

On March 16, Laura Sterling filed to become a candidate for the 6th Congressional District of the U.S. House of Representatives. Ms. Sterling grew up in Fairfax, SC. She is a married mother of two daughters and an entrepreneur. She currently resides in Bluffton, SC. “Our federal government is broken and I want to go to Washington to fix it,” stated Sterling.

Sterling cited several reasons for her candidacy. She feels that the federal government is out of control, administrative regulation is on the rise, as are taxes and wasteful spending.

“My intentions are to work very hard to earn the people’s vote. As this is the people’s seat, it does not belong to career politicians,” said Sterling. “I will begin by listening to the people of the 6th District to better understand how I can serve them,” said Sterling and also added, “in this year of change, I feel I can make a big difference in making people’s lives better.”

Terry Bennett, Board of Education administrator, earns national recognition

A veteran educator and Beaufort County School District administrator was recognized by a national organization of professionals who work to maximize returns on federal education dollars.

Terry Bennett, a 32-year education veteran and current Director of Grants Management for the Beaufort County School District, was presented with a 2016 State Leadership Award by the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators. Bennett was nominated for the national honor by the South Carolina Association of Title I Administrators, which he has served as Secretary/Treasurer and President. SCATA serves as a professional development forum for school district administrators of federal Title I programs. Federal Title I funds flow to schools that serve high percentages of students from low-income families. Prior to taking his current district office position, Bennett was principal at Lady’s Island Elementary for eight years, principal at Lady’s Island Middle for three years and also interim principal at Beaufort High.

“Terry is a tremendous asset to the district,” said Superintendent Jeff Moss.

New board members elected for LCAHT

The Lowcountry Coalition Against Human Trafficking (LCAHT) has reorganized and has installed a new board. Board members will serve for three-year terms and help oversee strategic changes for the non-profit which aims to eradicate human trafficking in South Carolina’s Lowcountry and beyond through awareness, advocacy and action. Board members include: Mary Jo Riley, President; Barbara Pawlishyn, Vice President; Nancy Simonetti, Treasurer; Aysha Merrill, Secretary/Student Representative; Max Fratoddi, member; Beth Gasiorowski, member; Phyllis Rumpp, member; Carol Stephens, member; and Erinn McGuire, member.

Lady’s Island/St. Helena Fire District announces awards

Chief Bruce Kline with firefighter Brian Smith
Chief Bruce Kline with firefighter Brian Smith
Chief Bruce Kline with firefighter Sam Negron
Chief Bruce Kline with firefighter Sam Negron

The Lady’s Island/St. Helena Fire District recently announced at an awards dinner that Lieutenant Brian Smith won Officer of the Year for the second year in a row and Firefighter Sam Negron won Firefighter of the Year. The awards are based on the votes of the firefighters.

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