Writing practice: Filling the blank page

A blank page beckons a writer to fill it with thoughts and creative insights. TCL Life Enrichment instructor Katherine Tandy Brown will lead a session at the Technical College of the Lowcountry (TCL)’s Beaufort campus on the art of filling the blank page to engage the creative journey of any writer, whether beginner, experienced or lapsed.
With Natalie Goldberg’s “Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within” as a road map, Brown will guide attendees through a series of timed writing practices. A seasoned writing instructor and longtime Zen practitioner, Goldberg revolutionized the writing world with her method, which encourages writers to trust their own voices, preaching a gentle and forgiving attitude toward craft.
“Writing practice works to ‘free the writer within’ for a writer of any genre and any age by eliminating the self-critic, that scathing voice which tells a writer the work-in-progress is not good enough. Writing practice boots that critic right out the door, allowing a writer to simply write in his or her own voice,” says Brown.
Katherine Tandy Brown has been a successful freelance writer for 20 years and has led a wide variety of writing workshops on freelance, travel, memoir and peaceful life writing (based on meditation and recollection). She is also a Coaches Training International writing coach.
The class will take place Saturday, August 6, from 9 a.m. to noon at TCL Beaufort campus. Cost $69. To register, call 843-525-8205.

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