Wildlife supper attracts thousands

By Bob Sofaly

It took only 17 minutes for more than 130 volunteers to prepare, serve and clean up after more than 2,000 men last Friday night for the Men’s Wildlife Supper at Community Bible Church, 638 Parris Island Gateway, Beaufort. Rick Forschner said the church served 750 wild turkeys, 300 pounds of alligator tails, 350 pounds of venison, 360 pounds of shrimp, 500 pounds of hog and 350 pounds of banana pudding during the church’s evangelical outreach. Forschner said the popular supper is an “approach and opportunity for men to explore the promises of Jesus Christ and encourage husbands to be a model that honors wives and God.” The evening was capped by a performance by John C. Morgan as “President George W. Bush” and guest speaker Bob Reccord discussing Christian family life.

Dr. Carl Broggi, right, senior pastor of Community Bible Church, greets and chats with some of the men participating in the church’s Men’s Wildlife Supper last week.
Dr. Carl Broggi, right, senior pastor of Community Bible Church, greets and chats with some of the men participating in the church’s Men’s Wildlife Supper last week.
David Zeoli and his son David, Jr. eat some of the 360 pounds of shrimp served at the Men’s Wildlife Supper.
David Zeoli and his son David, Jr. eat some of the 360 pounds of shrimp served at the Men’s Wildlife Supper.








Young boys chow down on the wild game prepared for them.
Young boys chow down on the wild game prepared for them.
Was former President George W. Bush speaking in Beaufort? Actually, it was John C. Morgan as President Bush entertaining more than 2,000 men gathered for the Men’s Wildlife Supper at Community Bible Church last weekend.
Was former President George W. Bush speaking in Beaufort? Actually, it was John C. Morgan as President Bush entertaining more than 2,000 men gathered for the Men’s Wildlife Supper at Community Bible Church last weekend.









Men of all ages gathered at the Community Bible Church last Friday, January 24.
Men of all ages gathered at the Community Bible Church last Friday, January 24.









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