Why put off until tomorrow?

By Martha O’Regan

That which you can do today? This is an article about distractions….what are yours? What have they been? What is keeping you from having your highest level of health, happiness and success?  Think back and reflect on the many times you said things like “when the kids get a little older, I’ll be able to (fill in the blank),” or, “my focus right now has to be on my (fill in the blank), then I can finally focus on me,” or,  “when I get enough money, I will feel (fill in the blank).” What other distractions have been keeping you from feeling good or living your best right here right now, no matter what is going on in your life?

Look back over the last few years. What has been holding you back?  Look at yesterday—what could you have said “no thank you” to that would have allowed you more time with your family, your home, yourself? Why do we feel the need to always be doing something for someone else to feel important or to be satisfied, and at the same time staying frustrated for “never having enough time to read, exercise, play with the kids, learn about proper nutrition or even be happy”? Geez, we are so human, aren’t we? We are all the same, with similar quirks. The people, places and things may be slightly different, but basically we can share the same “been there, done that” story.

And, how about saying “yes, please” to a few more things that would bring adventure, joy, family togetherness, etc., rather than giving in to the first inkling to decline because “there is too much to do not enough time,”  “I’ve never been able to…,” or whatever your favorite limiting belief is. Next time you hear yourself decline an opportunity that could be fun, unique or enlightening, consider stepping out of your comfort zone and saying “yes,” and just see what happens. Who knows, you might enjoy yourself.

What I know now is that happiness is a state of mind and is a choice that if we keep putting off unti (fill in the blank), we will never quite get there.  The way the law of attraction works is that if we keep thinking, “in two weeks, when this, that and the other thing are complete, I’ll be happy,” then we will keep attracting things into our life that will keep our happiness two weeks away.  Begin by thinking, “I choose to be happy right here right now,” as often as you can, no matter what your current circumstances are. Remember it is just life that is the grand game anyway, so Live Well…Have Fun—right now!

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