What To Do

Daughters of American Revolution to meet
The Thomas Heyward, Jr. Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will hold their next meeting on Thursday, March 8 at Beaufort County Library, 311 Scott Street, Beaufort, in the first floor meeting room beginning at 2 p.m. The guest speaker will be Grace Cordial, Historical Resources Coordinator for the library. This will be proceeded by the business meeting and the afternoon will end with refreshments and the opportunity to meet with our speaker. For more information please call Regent Nancy Crowther at 521-0134.

Sportfishing and diving club to hold meeting
The Beaufort Sportfishing & Diving Club March meeting will be held Thursday, March 8 at the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club located off Meridian Road on Lady’s Island. The social will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting at 7 p.m. Well-known local Captain Bill Parker of The Runaway will be our guest speaker. Captain Bill is no stranger to the Sportfishing Club and has made great presentations over the years. His topic will be Sheepshead fishing, where he will discuss techniques, baits of choice, rigs, rods, and reels. You do not need reservations and guests are welcome. For additional information, please call Captain Frank Gibson at 843-522-2020.

Writing classes help improve skills at TCL
• Travel Right, Travel Write: Would you like to manifest trips to exotic destinations on someone else’s nickel or travel on your own and earn back your expenses just by writing a story about your experience? Through in-class and take-home exercises, this class will teach you the nuts and bolts of finding markets, writing queries and writing travel stories that editors will want to snap right up. Monday evenings, March 5 – April 9, 6-8 p.m., $110 at TCL, Beaufort (843) 525-8205.
• Putting Your Life on the Lines: Memoir Writing: Your life story doesn’t have to have been overly dramatic to write a memoir. In this class, you’ll recount and record those stories you’ve been telling your family, children and grandkids for years. Whether you choose to write about a specific experience or cover a number of years’ worth, you’ll learn the skills necessary to organize and craft a written legacy. By the end of the six weeks, you’ll have a great start on your memoir in hand. Monday evenings, April 16 – May 14, 6-8 p.m., $110 at TCL. (843) 525-8205.
Instructor Katherine Tandy Brown has been a successful freelance writer for 22 years, writing workshop leader for 10.

Beaufort ProWriters to meet at City Java
The March Beaufort ProWriters Meeting will be next Tuesday, March 13, from 7 – 8:30 p.m. at our new meeting spot, City Java Cafe, on Carteret Street in downtown Beaufort. Beaufort ProWriters is a free meeting open to writers of any genre who would like to earn income from their writing. Next Tuesday, we will all check in with info on current writing projects, and will share market news, tech information and other scintillating topics.

Lowcountry Outdoors Club (LOCO) meets
Go LOCO! The Beaufort Ski/Snowboard Club has officially changed its name to include a wider range of activities. We’re now the Lowcountry Outdoors Club (LOCO).  We are a year-round activity based group who will also be serving in the community, learning new skills and improving upon what we know by sharing with others in areas of expertise, stories, and events to promote being active outdoors.  Upcoming will include kayaking, hiking and educational opportunities. Please come to our next meet & greet at Brick’s on Boundary on Tuesday, March 13, 6 p.m.  Josh, the owner and chef, is one of our charter members and he always provides great appetizers and drink specials. We’ll have two members share their recent ski trip to Telluride. Call or email Julie for more information:  843-729-8061 or tugboatjulie@yahoo.com.  Also, check us out online at our Meet Up group and our Facebook page.

Faith Memorial Baptist holds gospel celebration
Faith Memorial Baptist Church Church’s 57th and Pastor Horace Williams, Jr. 28th Pre Anniversary Celebration will be held  March 14-16. Pastor Ben Williams of Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Hilton Head  will be our guest speaker on Wednesday and Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. On  Friday, March 16, at  7:30 p.m we will have a Gospel Concert featuring Bethel Word & Worship Deliverance Temple Choir, Faith Memorial Baptist Church Combined Choir and our Special Guest “The New Sound.” The event is free. For more information, call 843-838-5826 or 843-271-6473.

Square dance club celebrates anniversary
The Square Dance Club in Beaufort, the Beaufort Squares, dances the first and third Saturdays of each month.  On Saturday, March 16 the club will celebrate its 49th anniversary at the Pinewood Fire Station in the training room. For those people who may be interested in learning to Square dance, get in touch with Joann Bright at 525-1756.

Spend an evening with state elected officials
Spend an evening with State Senator Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, and special guest Congressman Tim Scott on Friday, March 16. For host and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Desiree Watson at Desiree@MaceGroupLLC.com or 803-348-5416.

Bay Street Outfitters holds fly fishing classes
One day fly casting classes will be held Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 24 and May 12. Fly tying classes will be on the third Thursday each month at 6 p.m. Please call for details and to reserve your spot. Bay Street Outfitters is located at 815 Historic Bay St. For more information, call 524-5250 or visit www.baystreetoutfitters.com.

Beaufort Dog to hold advanced training class
Beaufort Dog is enrolling for an Advanced Training class. This class will focus on dealing with distractions while in “real world” situations like walking on a leash.  This is a precursor for therapy dog training as well. Please call 812-5394 to pre-register.

Low-cost vaccine, clinic will be held for pets
Palmetto Veterinary Hospital and Beaufort Dog will provide a low cost dog and cat vaccine and wellness clinic in Habersham on April 14, 2012 at Beaufort Dog at Habersham from 10 a.m. -2 p.m.  It is in conjunction with the Pet and Kid’s fair. Appointments strongly recommended. Please call 812-5394 to reserve a spot.

Beaufort Writers meet
Beaufort Writers meets every second and fourth Tuesday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Lady’s Island Airport Conference Room.

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ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays

What’s Happening

ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays


ART Budding Artist After-School Art Club 4 to 5 p.m., or 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Mondays/Wednesdays