Walking the walk, while trying not to trip…

By Martha O’Regan

‘What do you do when…?’  This seems to be the most common question I receive from clients who have decided to try a different approach to their health and well-being. They are interested in the energetic version of common everyday experiences such as a disagreement with a partner, a sudden financial crunch, or the drama of a middle school daughter. Even as we learn how to live in harmony in difficult situations, strive to do the right thing and live spiritually and healthfully, we still have to raise our children, maintain our homes, pay our taxes, go to the grocery store and PTO meetings, squeeze in some exercise, eat nutritiously then hopefully get 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Oh, and find a little fun in there somehow. So, how do we move through a 24 hour period with the inner peace, courage, and divine guidance that we all strive to achieve without having a nervous breakdown or a headache in the process? It’s called ‘self awareness’ and we all have access to it when we choose it.  It’s easy to tune in, take a breath, move with grace and ease when all is calm and well but, what about during times of chaos, confusion and frustration, which for many, tends to be the majority of the day to day existence.

If you are one of those folks who feels like you are wearing a bullet proof vest all day, feeling squeezed while dodging all the stuff coming your way, then consider a new approach. If you are experiencing anxiety, sleeplessness, fatigue, pain, digestive distress, etc. it’s because your body is in ‘survival’ mode, even when you try to relax. Over time, your body will exhaust one or more systems resulting in dis-ease. Choosing a new approach is the first step as you begin the practice of tuning in, breathing, or shifting thoughts. It is a constant practice because as humans ‘being’, we are in constant motion and likely never taught such simple tools when we were little people. Becoming aware and giving ourselves permission to trust the inner voice, gut feeling or conscience that we are all equipped with, allows us the ability to notice  when it’s time to slow down, take a deep breath, or shift a thought. It also helps to realize that every experience is there for us to learn as we evolve. You’ve probably heard that when we don’t learn the lesson the first umpteen times, we will eventually get the ‘sledge hammer’ experience that brings us to our awakening. So, instead of waiting for the pain, begin recognizing the lessons learned in each experience as it shows up by simply become aware of what is activated in your mind or body? Is it a physical pain, a new idea, a negative thought pattern, or just a feeling?

As you feel bombarded daily with experiences that attempt to undermine your good intentions of living with integrity, be aware of the ego mind taking over, defending, one-upping, or getting in the last word. Have you noticed, this usually creates more upset and ultimately regret? By taking that extra moment to observe the situation rather than reacting, you can breathe, and hopefully ‘feel’ the best response, even amongst the upset—you get to choose. Often, this can diffuse the situation enough to gain clarity and composure, allowing a more positive outcome.

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, there is always something new to learn or else you would already be off on your next journey. Love yourself throughout this obstacle course called ‘life’, but most importantly, have fun with it. It’s only life and YOU get to choose how to exist in it, so ‘Live Awake….Have Fun!

Martha O’Regan, is Your ‘B.E.S.T. Life’ Coach, supporting you in Creating Your B.E.S.T. Life…by Design! Contact her at 843/812-1328 or yourbestlifecoach28@gmail.com to discover just how easy it can be to create immediate and sustainable change in your life. www.yourbestlifecoach.net.

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