Volunteers needed to drive patients to local treatment

Every day many cancer patients need rides to medical facilities for treatment. To help solve this problem, the American Cancer Society is having a recruitment campaign for its Road to Recovery program in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton counties. Through this program, volunteers provide free transportation for local cancer patients in need of a ride to and from cancer treatment.

“In my practice, I have seen firsthand the effect that a lack of reliable transportation can have on medical care,” said Dr. Otis W. Brawley, chief medical officer, American Cancer Society. “Some forms of treatment, such as radiation, may require a patient to commit to daily office appointments for weeks at a time. When patients cannot get back and forth, they may be left with fewer or more devastating treatment options.”

Many of the people assisted through the Road to Recovery program do not own a vehicle, cannot afford bus fare or do not live where public transportation is available. Some patients are elderly and unable to drive and have no one nearby who can provide regular assistance with transportation. And without transportation they cannot receive their cancer treatments.

“The Road to Recovery program is a tremendous asset to this community and most importantly to the individuals seeking cancer treatment,” said Fronde Merchant, Mission Delivery Specialist for the American Cancer Society. “We know that this program saves lives and we need the help of local residents to make that happen.”

Anyone interested in volunteering as a driver must have a good driving record, valid driver’s license, automobile insurance and a vehicle in good working condition.

For more information on becoming a Road to Recovery volunteer, contact Fronde Merchant at 843-744-1922 or Fronde. Merchant@cancer.org.

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