United Way celebrates AmeriCorps members

United Way of the Lowcountry recently recognized its AmeriCorps members as the 2017-18 service year drew to a close. 

AmeriCorps members support the United Way of the Lowcountry Early Grade Reading (EGR) initiative, now referred to as “Read Indeed.”  Members serve along with more than 300 community volunteers as tutors in 12 elementary schools and preschools throughout Beaufort and Jasper counties, providing reading assistance to students in Pre-Kindergarten through third grade.  AmeriCorps members are a core group of tutors who serve the entire school year. Because they are in the schools several days each week, they provide continuity and stability to the program.

 The 2017-18 service year included 28 AmeriCorps members. Some of the members continue to serve during the summer with the summer reading program.     

Mary Mack, Willie Middleton, and Fran Siegel were recognized as fourth-year members during a recent special ceremony, and Dorothy Edmondson was recognized as the Program Member of the Year.  

United Way of the Lowcountry is recruiting AmeriCorps members for the upcoming 2018-19 service year, which will begin in September. Members receive a small living allowance while serving, as well as an education award upon successful completion of service. Those interested in becoming an AmeriCorps member should contact Carly Grubbs, AmeriCorps Program Director, at 843-837-2000 or cgrubbs@uwlowcountry.org.

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Obituary: Beekman Webb

Beekman Webb of Beaufort, S.C., a beloved husband, father, and grandfather passed away peacefully at home