Tricentennial monuments unveiled

By Mayor Billy Keyserling

To those who came to the Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park for the unveiling of the Tricentennial Monuments on Sunday, January 20, I want to say thank you.

192To those who were not able to make it, we are sorry that you missed a beautiful afternoon in Beaufort, a short history lesson, students reading the monuments with an overview by local historian Dr. Larry Rowland.

Because it is not possible to replicate the experience in a letter, I will not try but want to encourage you to visit the park and read them yourselves.

If you are not able to get to Waterfront Park and would like to see what is written, let me know and I can send you the words.

And a final thanks to the 300 individuals, families, organizations and businesses each of whom contributed $300 to pay for the monuments to remember our rich history. Their names are inscribed on separate monuments so, if you see a name you know, please thank that person for helping to make this successful.

Thank you Beaufort for another celebration of our past which is a critical building block for our prosperous future.

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