The recipe for a fabulous festival? Tons of shrimp!

Main Street Beaufort, USA and the South Carolina Shrimpers Association are sponsoring the 18th Annual Beaufort Shrimp Festival, to be held Friday, Oct. 5, and Saturday, Oct. 6, at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. The festivities kick off at 6 p.m. Friday and include live music and area restaurants previewing their shrimp dishes for Saturday’s competitions. There will be a 5K Saturday morning, then the events continue at 11 a.m. with live music, children’s games and activities and arts and crafts. Local restaurants will put unique spins on fresh local shrimp and will compete for the prestigious “Silver Cup.” The Sea Island Rotary Club will host its annual Charity Shrimp Race, and there will be competitions for shrimp heading and peeling. For details, visit

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