The Indie Film Corner: ‘Steve Jobs, The Lost Interview’ and ‘The Kid with a Bike’


By Dennis Tavernetti
“Steve Jobs, The Lost Interview” from the Documentary Series presented by Emerging Pictures in HD at USCB Center For the Arts On Friday, June 15 at 4 p.m. and Wednesday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Synopsis: In 1995, during the making of his TV series “Triumph of the Nerds” about the birth of the PC, Bob Cringely did a memorable hour-long interview with Steve Jobs. It was 10 years after he had left Apple and he was then running NeXT. During the interview, Jobs was at his charismatic best — witty, outspoken, visionary.
Ratings & Reviews:  This 70 minute documentary film has not been shown a lot yet, but so far carries an IMDb rating of 8.3 and Rotten Tomatoes: Critics: 100 and Audience: 81. High ratings.
Previewer Comments:  This special interest documentary will appeal mostly to those fascinated with understanding how a creative mindset works.  Computer Geeks will love it, as it provides not only insight to how he thinks, but loads of techie stuff.  To main street consumers, it reveals the burning passion of Steve Jobs. A passion that would go on to give us the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone, iTunes and the iPad. It is a tribute to an amazing man who drove his company to focus on design, intuitive use, and creative apps. Thinking outside the box was his norm.
Rated: Unrated, but can be considered to be PG.

“The Kid with a Bike” from The World Series presented by Emerging Pictures in HD at USCB Center For the Arts on Wednesday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m.
Synopsis: This winner of the Grand Jury Prize at this year’s Cannes Film Festival delves into the emotional life of a troubled 11-year-old boy, Cyril. When his father abandons him, he first obsessively searches for his bicycle — placing his last bit of hope in this symbol of their relationship. Dumped in an orphanage by his father, he becomes the weekend ward of a kind hairdresser, who seems surprised to find herself so determined to help him. With his wild, unpredictable behavior and his disastrous search on his bike for his father, Cyril risks losing the one person who cares and is trying to help him.
Ratings & Reviews:  Internet rating sites, IMDb: 7.4; Rotten Tomatoes: Critics: 96/Audience: 78. Good marks.  Newspaper Critics: The New York Times: “vibrant, at once new and seemingly timeless.”
Previewer Comments: This World childhood human drama is in French with English subtitles. It is a film about rejection of a child and the child’s quest to gain love from a parent that is unwilling to give it. The desperate need of Cyril to find his father so he can surely live with him again and be loved, drives Cyril to be angry, disbelieving, irrational and unloving to others who are trying to help.  The child actor in the lead role is simply outstanding. The film will resonate with most of us  as we recall occasions when we questioned our parent’s love or desired more love and acceptance than they were seemly willing to give. See it!
Rated: PG-13  for mature themes.
Tickets for adults are $7, seniors $6, students $5. Call USCB Center for the Arts at 843-521-4145.

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