The Chamber Corner

The Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce’s November Business After Hours was held on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 14, at USCB Center for the Arts. The free event was hosted by USCB Center for the Arts and Lowcountry Real Estate. Here are some pics by Captured Moments Photography.


Nikki Hardison, Steve Curless and Jaime Daily
Nikki Hardison, Steve Curless and Jaime Daily










Coffee with Colleagues was held Friday, Nov. 15, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Greenfish Gallery on Bay Street. Pictures by Captured Moments Photography.








Beaufort Regional Chamber wins three Communication Awards

The Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce recently won three communication awards at the annual management conference for CACCE, the Carolinas Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives.  Chambers of Commerce from North and South Carolina competed and the Beaufort Regional Chamber won three out of the six Communication Awards including the Best Website (, Best eNewsletter, and Best Membership Recruitment Package in the two state area. CACCE is the premier association for leadership and organization development of Chambers of Commerce in the Carolinas. The awards were judged by chamber peers from across the region.

Chamber awards 








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