The Best Art in Beaufort

The 53rd Annual Beaufort Art Association Spring Show was at Old Bay Marketplace Loft from March 15-22. Nationally known oil and watercolor artist Alan Campbell judged more than 150 entries from 95 participants. Judged

First Place "Nantucket .Blue" by Cheryl Eppolito
First Place “Nantucket .Blue” by Cheryl Eppolito

Best in Show was “Lake Como” by Steve Weeks. First Place was awarded to Cheryl Eppolito for “Nantucket Blue”; Second Place to Mary Segars for “Late Day” and Third Place to Sandra Baggette for “Red Chair Color Study”.  The J. Carroll Stevenson Memorial Watercolor award was presented to Polly Swenson for “Lowcountry Luncheon” and the Rick Stevenson Photography Award was presented to Karen M. Peluso for “Slave Cabins”. The Gay Torrey Memorial Award for Mixed Media went to Linda Tully for “Sanctify.” BAA Founders award was presented to Michael Pearson for “Memories”.  Memorial awards were also presented to Tei Tober for “Lowcountry Marsh”, Sharon Barry Logan for “Bridge from the Bay”, Linda K. Cole for “Road to the Sands”, and Patricia Walsh for “Two Hats.” For more information,

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