By Lanier Laney

A big job well done goes to all the hardworking folks at the Beaufort Memorial Hospital Foundation and all the dinner hosts, committee members and donors of the fabulous silent auction items. All money raised at this year’s event goes to benefit the expansion of Beaufort Memorial Hospital’s George N. Pratt MD and Sarah Meyer Pratt Emergency Center which will better serve our entire community. Here are some pictures from the dinner parties where amazing food was served.
Special thanks goes to:
Co-Chairs for the Valentine Ball: Tei and Chad Tober, and Valerie and Marc Fisher
Sponsors: Majd Chahin, MD & James F. McNab MD
Committee Chairs:
Auction Co-Chairs: Cindy Guldin, Kristy Rossi
Auction Committee: Harriet Bosiack, Cindy Collins, Greg Drexel, Amy Lang, Karen Nuelle, Mary Roberts, Merle Wolfgang, Amanda Woods
Auction Display: Sandy Turcotte, Laura Beall, Cindy Davis, Darryl Laffitte, Kim Olsson
Auction Book: Carole Drexel, Carol Webster

Sponsored by: McCulloch England Associates Architects
Decorations: Cheryl Eppolito
Dinner Party: Mary Lee Grove
Food & Desserts: Melissa Bliley, Lisa Holden, Nancy Kessel
Graphic Design: Kelly Newnham
Kick Off Party: Sandi Jackson
Publicity: Fripp Langford
Valet: Lisa Kindwall
Dinner Party Hosts/Co-Hosts:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Achurch III
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Akers
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bernard
Mr. Frank Biermann

Dr. and Mrs. E. Perry Burrus III
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Carroll
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Crisologo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lef Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Dyson
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall F. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc W. Fisher, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Foulger
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Grace
Dr. and Mrs. John William Gray III
Mr. and Mrs. Clive Greaves
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greear
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Harcharik
Mr. William B. Harvey

Mr. Ashley Hefner and Dr. Katherine Hefner
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hodges, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Homyk
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Horn
Mr. John W. Horton
Dr. Andrea Hucks and Dr. Daniel Ripley
Colonel and Mrs. David L. Jenney
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Kemp
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson M. Kinghorn
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lang
Ms. Brenda G. Leming
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Libaire
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lynn
Mr. Raul Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Belton McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Ramond P. Mecherle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Mix
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morgan
Ms. Alice B. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. David Musselman
Mr. and Mrs. E. Whilden Nettles III
Rev. and Mrs. Jack F. Nietert
Ms. Beverly Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Rhodes
Mrs. Edie Rodgers
Mr. Gene Rugala and Mrs. Edie Smith
Major and Mrs. John D. Schaaf
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schulze
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Schwendeman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Seymour
Ms. Elizabeth Shaw
Dr. Charles Shissias and Dr. Marlo Smith
Dr. and Mrs. G. Heath Simmons
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Spearman
Mr. Del Holt and Mrs. Christine Stanley
Col. and Mrs. Don Stovall (ret)
Captain and Mrs. Dan M. Stover
Col. and Mrs. Carter P. Swenson (ret)
Drs. Gary and Patricia Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. J. Chadwick Tober
Rick Toomey and Linda Hawes
Ms. Kathleen Tupper
Mr. Ned Tupper and Ms. Mary Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Twenge
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashley Twombley
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Verity
Ms. Victoria Verity
Dr. Marc Viguera
Dr. and Mrs. Mike Waggoner
Dr. Ann Widener Gribb and Mr. John Gribb
Mrs. Emily C. Winburn
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Winburn