Thanks to columnist of ‘Royal Chatter’

By Marisa Sherard
If I were a poet
An ode I would write
But a poet I’m not
Hope the column will suffice
We who live in the Royal Pines Community have enjoyed reading the “Little Bits of Royal Chatter” and learning about each other. It has been a nice way to share bits and pieces of our lives through vignettes and anecdotes always told with wit and charm by Peggy Chandler who initiated the column some years ago.

Peggy Chandler and her husband at the recent Festival of Trees.

Peggy, like most of us, is an “expat from the northern regions” who, thanks to her graces, has managed to create a very special community within the Royal Pines. If we have lovely winter evenings with games, food and good conversation, it is because Peggy has called us to action. She challenges us into devising interesting ways in which we can stay active and have fun. Sometimes couples get together and sometimes it is an “all girls’ party,” but rest assured, there is never a dull moment in our very lucky group.
If a new grand-daughter or grand-son is born to one of our friends and neighbors, Peggy always makes a special gift like a hand-crocheted blanket. She is tuned in to everyone’s needs and wishes, and does all she can to be there for the community.
She is a dedicated volunteer who has served on the Board of the Royal Pines Home Owner Association, leading a number of social activities; a star volunteer for Friends of the Caroline Hospice where she assists every Wednesday in addition to coordinating huge fundraising mailings throughout the year.
I am sure that we have all encountered people who have made an indelible mark in our lives, but how many of us can say that we have met someone who by being the best has actually made us better persons, better friends, better mothers and grandmothers, better spouses, better sisters to each other?
I am most grateful to have met Peggy and to have her in my life. We lived not too far from each other in the Washington metro area; we share the same birthday (month and day only! She is younger!), but we had never met until we got to Royal Pines. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It was all in the cards so that I could today write this column, her column, to let her know that I am one of many sister voices who love her and look forward to many more years of fun together.

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