TCL to offer free tuition program again this fall

From staff reports

The Technical College of the Lowcountry is once again offering free tuition and fees for its fall 2022 semester.

First launched in November of 2021, TCL’s free tuition program is made possible through a combination of federal, state and private funding sources.

Who is eligible?

TCL’s free tuition program is available to South Carolina residents with a desire to begin or continue their education, including:

– Adults with some college.

– Adults with no college.

– Recent high school graduates.

All college-eligible students who enroll in a TCL academic program for six credit hours or more this fall are eligible for TCL’s free tuition program.

The program includes required fees but does not include books or required supplies and does not apply to Dual Enrollment and/or Transient Students.

How do I qualify?

To qualify for TCL’s free tuition program, students must complete a 2022-2023 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or FAFSA waiver (if applicable). Some types of aid require students complete an additional signed affidavit.

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