Students receive SAR poster awards

The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the SAR presented awards to students at Beaufort Academy and Lady’s Island Middle School for their work preparing submissions to the 2013 SAR Americanism Poster Contest. This year’s chapter winner was Miss Riley Gates of Beaufort Academy.  Her poster competed against 16 chapters at the SC Society annual meeting in April and was selected as the state’s winner. Chapter President Jody Henson

Jody Henson, left, with Beaufort Academy 4th grade students Ansleigh Pingree, Emma Dillinger, Kevin Rogers, Taylor Parker, Alyssa Lewis (back), Emily Wilson (front), State Poster Winner Riley Gates, Witt Compton, Anthony Gonzalez and Wayne Cousar.
Jody Henson, left, with Beaufort Academy 4th grade students Ansleigh Pingree, Emma Dillinger, Kevin Rogers, Taylor Parker, Alyssa Lewis (back), Emily Wilson (front), State Poster Winner Riley Gates, Witt Compton, Anthony Gonzalez and Wayne Cousar.

and Education Programs Chairman Wayne Cousar met with the Beaufort Academy 4th grade class of Teacher Susan DiFabio to recognize their participation.  Each was presented an SAR Certificate of Appreciation and Miss Gates her state award of $300.  This was the chapter’s second consecutive state winner.

In a separate ceremony, the chapter presented 26 SAR Certificates of Appreciation to the 5th Grade students of Teacher Cadra Rooney at Lady’s Island Middle School for participating in the 2013 Contest.

The National Society SAR Americanism Committee holds a National Americanism Poster Contest annually to stimulate interest in American History.  This contest is directed at students in the third, fourth or fifth grades, depending on which year the American Revolution is taught in their educational system. Any school or student wanting to participate in 2014 should contact Wayne Cousar at 846-5886.

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