St. Helena Elementary hosts artist-in-residence

Using recycled materials to build a campus rain garden, Artist-in-Residence Amos Hummell (at far right) teaches Teri Matelak’s STEM students how to collect water and build a solar powered fountain outside the St. Helena Elementary School cafeteria. Using science, art and math skills during the extended learning week, the students measured for area, volume, perimeter with geometric shapes.
St. Helena students mold and decorate pavers to support the water collection pool, with the help of teacher Teri Matelak and Artist-in-Residence Amos Hummell.
A St. Helena Elementary STEMS student displays her paver molded and decorated with items collected from the beach.















Amos Hummell instructs the STEMS students in the construction of the pool and fountain they are building. “Water collection is serious business,” says the artist. “One school building can collect 30-40 gallons of rainwater per week.”
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