South Carolina teen publishes first novel

Joseph Murphy Landing, Jr. is an inspiration to writers of all ages. Only a junior at Wando High School, Landing has published his first novel, “Tamechactee-Arrow Soul” and will be signing books Saturday, August 3rd from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at McIntosh Book Shoppe, located at 919 Bay Street.

Landing began his writing career at the age of thirteen, announcing to his parents that he was starting his first novel. From a very young age he loved books; his parents and older sister read to him, and when he was barely in

Joseph Landing
Joseph Landing
kindergarten, he was reading on his own. When Joseph learned to talk, it became apparent that he loved words and often used vocabulary that sounded precocious coming from a young child. His family soon realized that Joseph had a flair for the dramatic and a vivid imagination.

When asked why he decided to write his first novel, Landing humbly explains, “I was a big reader throughout elementary and middle school, and I remember thinking, ‘If those authors can write stories like these, why can’t I?’ Originally I started writing the novel merely out of curiosity to see if I could do it. Now that I think back on it, I realize that I was writing for a purpose. I knew that the written word would last for a long time, so I started writing ‘Tamechactee-Arrow Soul.’”

And Landing is very appreciative of his parents for allowing him to pursue his dream.

“I’m very thankful towards both of my parents for all of their support; but there isn’t a doubt in my mind that without my mother, this book would have never gotten off the ground. Mom also has been with me at book signings and has provided tons of emotional support. I can’t thank her enough for all the hard work she has put in for me and this novel. My Dad also helped in setting up my first news interview on television with Warren Peper, as well as researching to find a great book on self-publishing,” says 16-year-old Landing.

“Tamechactee-Arrow Soul” is about a teenage boy in the mountains of North Carolina who wants to get out of the cycle of a dysfunctional home and school life. Finally successful in breaking free, he quickly discovers that destiny has a plan for him and greatness is an understatement.

An ancient legend passed down through a Native American tribe tells of one who will emerge as a great leader and even a savior, just in time before the world faces a major cataclysmic event. Taught to shoot a bow and arrow, the boy demonstrates incredible skill during his first lesson. Could he be the Tamechactee? Meanwhile, a sinister being over in Normandy, France, known only as ‘The Maker,’ has a plan to set off nuclear bombs throughout the world to bring humans into submission. Landing attended the Duke Young Writers’ Camp and has finished writing the sequel to his first novel, “Tamechactee – Battle for Humanity,” which should be released by Christmas.

For more information about Landing and his book, please visit

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