Sons of the American Revolution: Group gathers, gives awards

Beaufort’s Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution recently presented the SAR JROTC Bronze Medal to two local High School Cadets who were selected by their commanding officers for a high degree of merit in leadership qualities, military bearing and general excellence

Marine Cadet 2nd Lt. Dominique Dillon receives JROTC Bronze Medal from Wayne Cousar, VP of S.C. State SAR Society.

S.C. SAR Society Vice President Wayne Cousar presented the Bronze Medal to Marine Cadet 2nd Lt. Dominique Dillon of Whale Branch High School during the school’s first JROTC awards day.
In a separate ceremony,  S.C. SAR Society Sr. Vice President Carroll Crowther presented the SAR JROTC Bronze Medal to Air Force Cadet 1st Lt Andrew Woods of Beaufort High School.
The medal is approved by the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the Air Force, and endeavors to foster the principle of “citizen-soldier” exemplified by the Minutemen. Each year, the Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter presents the medal to student cadets selected by their commanding officers in six high schools in Beaufort, Hampton and Colleton counties.
The Gov. Paul Hamilton Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution will hold its second quarterly meeting of 2012 on Thursday, June 21, at the Albergotti Grill in the Holiday Inn at 2225 Boundary Street. A social time will commence at 11:30 a.m., followed by lunch and the meeting at noon.
Featured speaker will be Michael Keyserling, Chapter Vice President, who will present information on the 1782 Battle of Tar Bluff where South Carolina’s Revolutionary War hero Col. John Laurens was killed while leading American patriots. The chapter will also be awarding its first Gov. Paul Hamilton History Award to USCB’s 2012 top graduating history major, Mrs. Karyn Devore of Lady’s Island.
Meetings are open to anyone interested in learning about the SAR. Contact President Jody Henson 843-524-1256 with any questions or visit for more information.

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