Winning Orthodontic Smiles presented Beaufort Middle School science teacher Derrick Mathis $100 for classroom supplies after student Caroline Robinson entered him in the Favorite Teacher Contest held by Dr. Skeet Burris and Dr. Travis Fiegle. Also pictured are Tiera White (left) and Sara Fauble (right) representing Winning Orthodontic Smiles. For more information, contact Emily Bowen at 843-525-6228.

Smart Smiles

Winning Orthodontic Smiles presented Beaufort Middle School science teacher Derrick Mathis $100 for classroom supplies after student Caroline Robinson entered him in the Favorite Teacher Contest held by Dr. Skeet Burris and Dr. Travis Fiegle. Also pictured are Tiera White (left) and Sara Fauble (right) representing Winning Orthodontic Smiles. For more information, contact Emily Bowen at 843-525-6228.
Winning Orthodontic Smiles presented Beaufort Middle School science teacher Derrick Mathis $100 for classroom supplies after student Caroline Robinson entered him in the Favorite Teacher Contest held by Dr. Skeet Burris and Dr. Travis Fiegle. Also pictured are Tiera White (left) and Sara Fauble (right) representing Winning Orthodontic Smiles. For more information, contact Emily Bowen at 843-525-6228.
Winning Orthodontic Smiles presented Whale Branch Middle School’s Social Studies teacher, Felicia English (left center), $100 for classroom supplies after student Chyla Simmons, (right center) entered her in the Favorite Teacher Contest held by Dr. Skeet Burris and Dr. Travis Fiegle. Also pictured are Dawn Cherami (left) and Ann Paige (right) representing Winning Orthodontic Smiles.
Winning Orthodontic Smiles presented Whale Branch Middle School’s Social Studies teacher, Felicia English (left center), $100 for classroom supplies after student Chyla Simmons, (right center) entered her in the Favorite Teacher Contest held by Dr. Skeet Burris and Dr. Travis Fiegle. Also pictured are Dawn Cherami (left) and Ann Paige (right) representing Winning Orthodontic Smiles.
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