The Beaufort County Senior Leadership program enjoyed a fascinating day participating in their Military Ties and History Day. Everyone visited the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in the morning and then assembled at the Douglas Visitors Center where the graduating Marine families go to learn about Marine Basic training. SGT Tiffany Lemberger facilitated the briefing on Basic Training and answered many questions from the Leadership. The class moved to the Marine museum and received a briefing on the Mighty 8th Air Force museum. Moving on, the class went to the Marine Corps Air Station and received an outstanding briefing by Major Charlton Wilson, Executive Officer, VMFAT 501, on the F-35B fighter aircraft. The F-35B is different from the other F-35’s because it can do a short take-off and vertical landing. Major Wilson is an F-35B pilot and his call sign is “Puff”. He was followed by Jason Mann, Community Planner and Liaison Officer who briefed on the Marine Corps Air Station. After lunch we went to the VMFA (AW) 224, F18 Squadron receiving a briefing and visiting the F18 hangar. And last but certainly not least was visiting the Fire-Rescue Unit for the Air Station where a group of fire fighters demonstrated their equipment. A highlight of the day was observing an F-35B and an F-18 aircraft take off together underscoring the two fighters will be working together until the 2020’s.
The class thanked all the women and men for their service and for making the day a special one.