Film makers Rob Lewis and Brandon Sligh have entered the only submission from Beaufort into the Savannah 48-hour Film Project.
The 4-minute-long film called “Rachael’s Playdate” stars the adorable Campbell Dukes, 10-year-old daughter of Laura and Marvin Dukes of Beaufort. Campbell is a regular with USCB’s kids theater and has

starred in “Guys and Dolls” and other productions.
The film also features actress Gail Westerfield of Misspent Youth Productions as well as Rob McFee, who recently appeared as Gooper in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” at USCB’s Center for the Arts.
The semi-private screening party was held at Bricks on the evening of Tuesday, Sept. 4, where family, friends and many notable Beaufortonians packed the restaurant and gathered to watch the premier of the movie. For more information about the Savannah film project, visit