SCNA launches partnership with Daisy Award Foundation for extraordinary nurses


S.C. Nursing Association

The South Carolina Nurses Association (SCNA) has announced its statewide partnership with The DAISY Foundation to honor extraordinary nurses across the state. 

Many healthcare agencies in South Carolina are already DAISY partners. The Daisy Partnership with SCNA provides a platform for any nurse in any setting to be nominated for the award. This nomination can come from any individual, peer, organization, or patient. All practice settings are included. 

Often nurses who work in settings other than acute care, do not have the opportunity to be nominated, The SCNA award allows for any practicing nurse licensed in the state of South Carolina to be nominated. The goal is to expand the DAISY Award’s reach throughout South Carolina, celebrating the nursing profession’s vital contributions. This initiative is a chance to spotlight exceptional nurses on a statewide platform.

This statewide DAISY Award is designed to complement existing programs, not replace them.

The highlight of this initiative will be the recognition and awards ceremony held during the SCNA Annual Convention at the Hilton Myrtle Beach, from October 17 to 19, 2024. The Gala will take place on October 18, 2024, at 7 p.m.. 

DAISY winners will be invited to attend the Gala free of charge, along with two guests for a fee of $50 per guest. Additionally, organization can send representatives for $100 per ticket. Honorees will also receive complimentary admission to a full day of the convention on Friday.

Beyond the award itself, the DAISY Foundation offers winners a range of lifetime benefits to support their ongoing commitment to nursing. Partners are encouraged to nominat extraordinary nurses for the SC Nurses Association Statewide DAISY Award. This is a unique opportunity to acknowledge their hard work and dedication in a meaningful way.

Refer to for award categories and further details. SCNA is dedicated to promoting the nursing profession in South Carolina and beyond. 

The South Carolina Nurses Association (SCNA) is the premier organization representing the interests of South Carolina’s more than 80,000 registered nurses. The mission of the South Carolina Nurses Association is to represent all South Carolina registered nurses in a membership organization to promote and advocate the role of the registered nurse to improve health for all. For more information, visit

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