• Monday, Nov. 26: Classes resume after Thanksgiving break, Second Trimester begins.
• Monday – Friday, Nov. 26-30: Digital Awareness Week! Students in grades 3-12 will be participating in afternoon activities all week focused on Digital Awareness.
• Monday, Nov. 26: Swim lessons at the YMCA for third graders begin. They will be every Monday and Wednesday for nearly four weeks.

• Tuesday, Nov. 27: Swim lessons at the YMCA for fourth graders begin. They will be every Tuesday and Thursday for nearly four weeks.
• Tuesday, Nov. 27: The Upper School Quiz Bowl Team heads to the SCISA State Competition in Sumter.
• Wednesday, Nov. 28: Digital Awareness special assembly for grades 1-12, given by
Sgt. Mike Jennings from the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office.
• Thursday, Nov. 29: Save the Date! Parents Academy #2! This one will be focused on Internet Safety for Children. Once again, it is a free community event, and will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on campus. Childcare will be provided. RSVP to MJ Simmons at 843-524-3393 or via email at
Beaufort County School District
Installation of security cameras on Beaufort County School District buses has begun, and district officials say they are aiming to have all of the new systems operating by the December break. The district’s $257,000 contract with the winning bidder, Charlotte-based Fortress Systems, calls for three digital units on each bus.
The contract includes installation costs, a three-year parts-and-labor warranty on the leased equipment, training for employees and technical support extending beyond the warranty period.
While there is little hard research data around the nation to show that the presence of cameras on buses acts as a deterrent against bad behavior, Chief Student Services Officer Gregory McCord said that the video and audio recordings would provide objective evidence during student disciplinary proceedings.
• Wed, Nov. 28: PTO Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner. Open to the public 5 – 6:30 p.m. Call for details, 522-2163.
• Friday, Nov. 30: Progress reports
• Friday, Nov. 30: Student picture day
• Saturday, Dec. 1: Breakfast with Santa. Open to the public. Walsh Palmetto Room 8:30 to 10 a.m. Call for details 522-2163.
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