• The Battery Creek High School Athletics Department will celebrate Senior Parents’ Night and BC Alumni Night on Friday, October 17 at the football game vs. North Charleston. The senior parents of the cheer team and football team will be honored at halftime. Senior parents of these two teams will be admitted free of charge. BC alumni are also encouraged to attend and tailgate before the game. All BC Alumni are encouraged to contact Coach Drafts for special group discounts. The discounts will be for pre-sale tickets only and will not be available at the game. Coach Drafts contact info is: 843-322-5574 or
• Battery Creek students showed their Dolphin pride in a big way at the first quarter blood drive held by the Interact Club on September, 26. Over 37 donors contributed a total of 31 units for The Blood Alliance and exceeded our goal. These heroes’ donations will save nearly 100 lives in our Lowcountry community. The second quarter blood drive is scheduled for December 10.
• Friday, Oct. 10: Half day for all students, 11:30 a.m. dismissal.
• Monday, Oct. 13: No school in observance of Columbus Day.
• Wednesday, Oct. 15: The PSAT will be administered to all 8th, 10th and 11th grade students at BA beginning at 8 a.m. in the gym.
• Save the Date! Saturday, Oct. 18: The Golden Gala, an event celebrating BA’s 50th school with tales from BA past, present, and future as told by storytellers from the BA family. Speakers include duos Robert Trask and Ricky Akers, Sydney Meeks Fowler and Ginny Meeks Shuman, and Bill Dalton and Colin Crumpton. See the BA website for more information or to purchase tickets.
• Congratulations to Beaufort High’s April Brooks and students in her Financial Math classes, who took the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification assessment. Of the 67 students tested, 91% passed with an average score of 81%, qualifying BHS as a Blue Star School. The official recognition for this honor will be at the MoneyPOWER Conference in November in NYC. Only two schools in the state were honored for this accomplishment.