Kindergarten students in Ms. Newton’s class at Bridges Prep became scientists last week and used their five senses to conduct an experiment. They made hypotheses, or guesses, before conducting their experiment as to what they thought would happen. They worked in groups to see what they would find inside an owl pellet. They were shocked to see the many small animal bones there were in the pellets. They then determined if their hypotheses were correct and made a conclusion as to what an owl must eat if they found so many bones in their pellets.

School Notes


• The Battery Creek High School Athletics Department will celebrate Senior Parents’ Night and BC Alumni Night on Friday, October 17 at the football game vs. North Charleston. The senior parents of the cheer team and football team will be honored at halftime. Senior parents of these two teams will be admitted free of charge. BC alumni are also encouraged to attend and tailgate before the game. All BC Alumni  are encouraged to contact Coach Drafts for special group discounts available that evening. The discounts will be for pre-sale tickets only and will not be available at the game.  Coach Drafts contact info is: 843-322-5574 or


Congratulations to the Beaufort Academy Middle School Cross Country Team, they have won their last three meets. BA hosted its first home meet on October 1.
Congratulations to the Beaufort Academy Middle School Cross Country Team, they have won their last three meets. BA hosted its first home meet on October 1.

• Wednesday, Oct. 8: BA is hosting Fields of Faith, a national Fellowship of Christian Athletes event, for the entire Beaufort community.  All are invited to attend from 6:45-8 p.m., middle schoolers, high schoolers, youth groups of all kinds!  Please see for more information or call us at 843-524-3393.

• Wednesday, Oct. 8: Blues Musician Scott Ainslie will visit BA to give a concert and afterschool workshops.


• The Beaufort High School Boys Basketball program will be hosting two skills clinics for boys in October for boys in grades 4-8.  These clinics will be at the Beaufort High School gym from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, October 4, and Saturday October 18. The cost of each clinic is $25 but there are discounts for registering siblings or for registering for both clinics. For more information, contact Coach Livesay at 843-322-2000,

• Beaufort High will hold Spirit Night at Fat Patties on Tuesday, October 7, from 5:30 p.m. until close. A portion of the proceeds to benefit the Beaufort High School Theater Department.

Battery Creek’s Marissa Davis tried out to be elected as a FCA All-American Cheerleader this summer at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’s Furman University Cheer Camp.  She was successful and will now have the opportunity to perform in the Chic-fil-A parade and pre-game pep rally this New Year’s with other All-Americans from all over the South.
Battery Creek’s Marissa Davis tried out to be elected as a FCA All-American Cheerleader this summer at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’s Furman University Cheer Camp. She was successful and will now have the opportunity to perform in the Chic-fil-A parade and pre-game pep rally this New Year’s with other All-Americans from all over the South.
Kindergarten students in Ms. Newton’s at Bridges Prep became scientists last week and used their five senses to conduct an experiment. They made hypotheses, or guesses, before conducting their experiment as to what they thought would happen. They worked in groups to see what they would find inside an owl pellet. They were shocked to see the many small animal bones there were in the pellets. They then determined if their hypotheses were correct and made a conclusion as to what an owl must eat if they found so many bones in their pellets.
Kindergarten students in Ms. Newton’s class at Bridges Prep became scientists last week and used their five senses to conduct an experiment. They made hypotheses, or guesses, before conducting their experiment as to what they thought would happen. They worked in groups to see what they would find inside an owl pellet. They were shocked to see the many small animal bones there were in the pellets. They then determined if their hypotheses were correct and made a conclusion as to what an owl must eat if they found so many bones in their pellets.


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