• Operation Ball Gown: The BCHS SADD Club is collecting formal gowns for the Marine Corps Family Team Building project “Operation Ball Gown”. This program offers gowns free to the wives of active duty Marines for use during the military ball season. Gowns of all sizes, plus accessories are needed. Gowns may be dropped off with Mrs. Grooms in the front office through September 4.
• The Battery Creek High School Athletics Department is selling 2014-15 Athletics season passes at half price. The tickets will be on sale through August 29 at the half price rate. See Coach Drafts or Ms. Ballenger in the front office.
• Battery Creek is proud to announce the annual BC Community Night will be held on Friday, August 29 as the varsity football team opens its 2014 home schedule with a 7:30 p.m. kickoff against the Estill Gators. Battery Creek wants to see as many community members as possible come out and help celebrate the start of the school and athletic year. For more information, contact athletic director John Drafts at 843-322-5574 or
• Battery Creek High Parent Teacher Student Organization will be recognizing all members of the Beaufort Police Department, Beaufort Fire Department, Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office, Burton Fire Department and EMT on Sept. 11 at 6 p.m. at the McVey Performing Arts Center. Contact Diane Grooms, 322-5582.
• Monday, 9/1 – No school in observance of Labor Day
• Tuesday, 9/2: Presentation of the first Emerging Leader Scholarship, 2:45 pm.
• Wednesday, 9/3: Back to School Bingo for all students, 6:30 pm.
• Join Lady’s Island Middle School in celebrating one of the most spirited days in America. On Friday, August 29, the school will participate in National College Colors Day. Students may wear a shirt or jersey with the colors or logo that represent their favorite college team.