School Notes

• Thursday, Nov. 8: Parents Association Meeting, 3:20 p.m.  Childcare provided.
• Friday, Nov. 9: Upper School Art History Class to visit Rock & Roll Photography Exhibit in Charleston.
• Monday, Nov. 2: PreK & K students have half day of school, teacher  in-service in the afternoon.

Mary Beth Cannady, the Children’s Activities Director at CODA, happily accepts the book donations from BA. Back row (left to right): Ms. Cannady; third grader Ashley Dowdney; and second grade teacher Mrs. Erin Booth. Students: fourth grader Ansleigh Pingree, third grader Leith Gray, second graders Megan Alvarez and Ledare Pingree, third grader Emma Grace Dinkins, fourth grader Witt Compton.

• Tuesday, Nov. 13: 5th graders to Nemours Plantation.
• Tuesday, Nov. 13: A representative from Georgia Southern University will be on campus at 3 p.m.
• Wednesday, Nov. 14: SCISA State Drama Festival in Sumter
• Thursday, Nov. 15: Eagles Eat Out!  Upper Crust will donate 20% of all proceeds back to BA from that evening.

• Thursday, Nov. 8: There will be a special Cougar Chat with representatives from the South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy will be here to discuss “Tips to Talk to Your Child About Love, Sex, and Relationships”.  The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the Lecture Theater; refreshments will follow.  For more information, contact Don Martz at 322-3110.
• Friday, Nov. 9: Please be reminded that the cookie dough delivery is in the LIMS cafeteria.  The 7th and 8th graders pickup time is from 2-2:30 p.m. and the 5th and 6th graders pickup time is at 3:30 p.m.  If your child has a large order, it is recommended you pick up your child’s order. Questions, call Monica Hampton at 843-252-1480.

• Tuesday, Nov. 13: PTO board will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the community room, the SIC will meet at 6 p.m. followed with a PTO meeting for all parents and teachers at 6:30 p.m. Immediately following, the third grade students will perform “Lost in a South Carolina Museum.”
• Friday, Nov. 9: The monthly PTO dance will be held afterschool until 4:45 p.m.

Ameris Bank coupled with our Lady’s Pantry, donating 35 cents per can collected, for the month of October. St. Peter’s Catholic School collected more than 450 cans. Pictured here are the fifth and sixth grades making the delivery.

• Monday, Nov. 12: No school in observance of Veterans Day
• Friday, Nov. 16: Homes for the Holidays Gala. Call for details, 522-2163
• Sunday, Nov. 18: Chick fil A night, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The Beaufort County School District is sponsoring a free workshop for parents on how to help finance their children’s college educations. For residents in the northern part of the county, a workshop will be held Nov. 14 at Beaufort High School’s small auditorium from 6:30-7:30 p.m. While the primary target audience is parents of high school seniors, parents of younger students are also invited. Presenters will cover the basics of applying for college financial aid and scholarships.  Information will be provided on FAFSA, the CSS Profile, grants, loans and scholarship opportunities in South Carolina and nationally.
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Two students at Lady’s Island Elementary School were surprised during the school’s academic celebration with new bikes. Janyia Wilson, a third grader, and Benjamin Baughman, a fourth grader, bought raffle tickets for the bikes using magic dollars they earned for good behavior. The magic dollars are part of the Positive Behavior Incentive. The Holiday Inn of Beaufort donates two bikes each quarter to the school as incentives for excellent behavior. Lady’s Island Elementary is so thankful for the Holiday Inn’s generosity and their commitment to support Beaufort County Schools.















E. C. Montessori and Grade School elementary children perform during the school’s “E. C.’s Got Talent Show” at The Shed in Port Royal on Saturday, Nov. 3.
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