School Notes


• Thursday, May 22: Kindergarten Graduation, 9 a.m.

Congratulations to Mrs. April Brooks and students in her Financial Math classes at Beaufort High School, who took the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification assessment. Of the 67 students tested, 91 percent passed with an average score of 81 percent, qualifying BHS as a Blue Star School. The official recognition for this honor will be at the MoneyPOWER conference in November in New York City. Pictured is just one of her three classes of Financial Math.
Congratulations to Mrs. April Brooks and students in her Financial Math classes at Beaufort High School, who took the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification assessment. Of the 67 students tested, 91 percent passed with an average score of 81 percent, qualifying BHS as a Blue Star School. The official recognition for this honor will be at the MoneyPOWER conference in November in New York City. Pictured is just one of her three classes of Financial Math.

• Thursday, May 22: Eighth Grade Promotion, 11 a.m.

• Thursday, May 22: Annual Senior Tea, 4 p.m.

• Friday, May 23: EZ-Drop Book Buy Back, 9 a.m.

• Friday, May 23: Class of 2014 Baccalaureate, 4 p.m.

• Saturday, May 24: Class of 2014 graduation, 2 p.m.

• Monday, May 26: BA summer hours begin, office will be open – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Save the Date, Monday, June 2: BA’s first week of summer camp for ages 3-6 begins. Camp is open to the community.  Contact us at 843-524-3393 or see the website,, for more information..


CAMP INVENTION is coming back. In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Coosa Elementary School is pleased to offer the nationally-acclaimed Camp Invention program to children entering grades one through six. It’s an exciting, weeklong summer adventure in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) that’s all about big ideas. Children will work together to seek innovative solutions to real-world problems and sharpen critical 21st century learning skills as they rotate through four modules that reinvent summer fun.

This unforgettable week begins on July 7, when Karyn Levesque will direct the Camp Invention MORPHED!™ program at Coosa ES. Visit or call 800-968-4332 to reserve your child’s spot today.

The Beaufort High School Eagles of the Month for April exemplified the quality of Excellence. These students do their best at all times. The students pictured from left are Raul Jaramillo-Ruiz from Freshman Academy, Jasmine Simmons from the School of Medical and Consumer Science, Maria Carrera from the School of Arts, Communication and Technology,  and Mattie Hibbs from International Studies, surrounding Principal Murphy.
The Beaufort High School Eagles of the Month for April exemplified the quality of Excellence. These students do their best at all times. The students pictured from left are Raul Jaramillo-Ruiz from Freshman Academy, Jasmine Simmons from the School of Medical and Consumer Science, Maria Carrera from the School of Arts, Communication and Technology, and Mattie Hibbs from International Studies, surrounding Principal Murphy.


• Riverview Charter School is proud to announce the launch of their Annual Fund “I’m In” campaign, highlighting 488 (students) reasons to give.  The campaign will run through June 30. The Annual Fund campaign is a critical component of Riverview’s ongoing growth for the future.  Support of the Annual Fund helps the school achieve their mission by funding technology enhancements for students, instructional supplies such as guided reading books and science kits, as well as support for the scholarship program. In addition the Annual Fund is important as the school pushes forward with a permanent facility.  Those interesting in donating to Riverview Charter School can donate online at Checks can be mailed to: Riverview Charter School, 81 Savannah Highway, Beaufort, SC, 29906.

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At Friends of Caroline on Friends Lane near the Ridgeland/Okatie border, Habersham’s Ron Callari took a