• Friday, Feb. 21: The SCISA State Basketball Tournament begins.

• Monday, Feb. 24: Interim Week begins. Under former Headmaster Dr. Randy Wall’s leadership, the Interim Session was created for the purpose of expanding student’s horizons through travel, internships, and community service. All BA 5th-12th grade students participate in this week of hands-on programs and experiences. See the BA website,, for more information.
• Tuesday, Feb. 25: Middle School SCISA State Championship Quiz Bowl.
The Beaufort High School Big Green Booster Club will hold its 5th annual oyster roast fund raiser on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 6 to 10 p.m. at Live Oaks Park in Port Royal. Tickets are $25 for a single and $45 per couple. All proceeds go to support the Beaufort High School athletic programs. Ticket price includes oysters, hot dogs, beer and wine. There will a silent auction as well as live entertainment by Liberty Risk. Tickets will be available at the event or please call Jonolyn Ferreri at 843-986-4093 or Benji Hill at 843-986-

• Bridges posts Admission Lottery Results for 2014-2015 School Year: Monday, February 10, Bridges Preparatory School held its public admissions lottery, following Bridges’ charter procedures. Bridges received hundreds of new applications for Kindergarten through 7th grade, for the upcoming school year. Lottery results and the new wait-lists for the 2014-2015 school year were published on the website:
• The more kids read, the more funds Bridges raises for the school: Bridges just wrapped up its first school-wide Read-A-Thon, and it was a huge success. The Read-A-Thon — a reading marathon, as the name suggests — helps promote literacy skills and a love for reading, while allowing students to take ownership of their learning, for a good cause.
It is always an added plus when kids can learn both academic and citizenship skills at once: 356 readers participated and 145 students were sponsored by donors. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, Bridges earned a total of $3,326.
If you still want to sponsor a student and add to their fundraising efforts, it’s not too late: Supporters are able to donate until February 22.
• For many years, the Exchange Club of Beaufort has sponsored a Youth of the Month program. The Exchange Club of Beaufort is looking for any high school senior demonstrating

excellence in leadership, community service and academics to be recognized as a Youth of the Month. Selection of the Youth of the Year will be made from the club’s Youth of the Month recipients for this school year. The club’s Youth of the Year will receive a $500 scholarship and she or he will advance to the district competition for a $2,000 possible scholarship. For information, contact club President, Darlene Douglas at 522-1872 or email your nomination letter to
• Parents of Special Needs Students: Please join us for a parent workshop, Communicating With Your Child’s School. This workshop will benefit parents of students that are receiving specific modifications in classes. Topics of discussion: Are you assertive?; Organizing information about your child; Problem solving skills; and Communicating through letter writing. The workshop will be held Thursday, Feb. 20 at Robert Smalls Middle School, Room J-1, from 6 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by: Beaufort County School Parent/Community REACH Center and presented by Parents Reaching Out to Parents of South Carolina (PRO-Parents). This is a free workshop, refreshments will be served and all participants will receive a two-

hour certificate of attendance. Call to register: 1-800-759-4776 or 803-772-5688.
• Lace up your running shoes and head to Live Oak Park in Port Royal on Saturday, March 1 at 11 a.m. for St. Peter Catholic School’s Annual 5K Run and Oyster Roast. This scenic course includes Sands Beach, sections overlooking both Parris Island and the Port Royal Sound, as well as the quiet roads of Port Royal. Early registration closes February 27 at 9 a.m. Registration will be offered on race day from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. at Live Oak Park. A 5K not your thing? This event also includes a 1 mile Fun Run immediately after the completion of the 5K. After the race, come to the Oyster Roast — a race bib gets $10 off admission.
Registration for Park’s Spring II 2014 term is from February 24 through March 21. The term dates are March 24 through May 15. Courses offered are: Organizational Sociology. Principles of Accounting II, Organization and Administration of Healthcare Programs, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Basic Concepts of Statistics, Adult Development and Aging, Business Law I,

Criminal Procedure, Programming Concepts, Principles of Marketing, Criminology and Business Communications. All classes meet on weekday evenings. Online courses are also available. Park University is a fully accredited, private four-year university with 137 years experience in meeting the educational needs of a diverse student population. For more information, call 228-7052 or visit the Park University office at the MCAS Beaufort Lifelong Learning Center or the MCRD Parris Island Education Center.
• TCL hosts college fair: The Technical College of the Lowcountry will host a college fair from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., Thursday, February 20 in the MacLean Hall Student Center at the Beaufort Campus. The event is free and open to the public. TCL and four-year colleges and universities from around the state and beyond will provide information about transferring and enrolling. Participants are: Anderson University, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Charleston Southern University, Claflin University, College of Charleston, Coastal Carolina College, Columbia College, Limestone College, Park University, South Carolina State University, Southern Wesleyan University, Springfield College, University of Phoenix, University of South Carolina Aiken, University of South Carolina Beaufort, University of South Carolina Salkehatchie, Webster University and Winthrop College. For more information, please contact Melanie Gallion, TCL Career and Transfer Services Manager, at 843-525-8224 or
• TCL hosts financial aid workshops: The Technical College of the Lowcountry will host three free financial aid workshops in February for any and all college-bound students. Events are as follows:
• New River Campus: Thursday, Feb. 20, 5-7 p.m., 100 Community College Dr., Bluffton;
• Beaufort Campus: Saturday, Feb. 22, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Building 12, 921 Ribaut Road.
The “College Goal South Carolina” workshop is designed to help all college-bound students – not just those planning to attend TCL – and their families with the financial aid application process and will provide assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).