School notes


• The BCHS SADD Club is collecting the front of holiday cards for the recycle program at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. Cards for any occasion can be donated, but must be free of any writing on the inside of the front of the card. (They cannot collect Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards for this program.) St. Jude’s Ranch for Children recycles used greeting cards and creates new holiday and all-occasion greeting cards.  Recycled cards are

Rebecca Scheper, a student in 4th grade at Mossy Oaks Elementary, scored a perfect score on the Fall WordMasters Challenge. The WordMasters Challenge is a national vocabulary competition based on completing analogies. Rebecca was the only 4th grader from the state of South Carolina to score a perfect score.
Rebecca Scheper, a student in 4th grade at Mossy Oaks Elementary, scored a perfect score on the Fall WordMasters Challenge. The WordMasters Challenge is a national vocabulary competition based on completing analogies. Rebecca was the only 4th grader from the state of South Carolina to score a perfect score.

sold to support programs and services for abused, neglected and homeless children, young adults and families. Card fronts may be dropped off with Mrs. Grooms in the front office. Card fronts are accepted year round for any holiday/birthday.

• The BCHS SADD Club is also participating in Souper Bowl of Caring and will be collecting cans of any kind of soup. Donation boxes will be available in the front office. The cans collected will be donated to the Grays Hill Baptist Church Food Pantry and to Love House Ministries Food pantry.  The last date to collect cans of soup will be January 31. See Mrs. Grooms for details.

• The Red Carpet Affair Talent Show will be held at Battery Creek High School on Friday, February 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the John J. McVey Performing Arts Center. Auditions will be January 22 and January 23 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Pre-sale tickets:  $5; at the door tickets are $8. The talent show is open to all Beaufort County students, grades 9 through 12, in good standing. Contact Ms. Carizma Thomas at 322-5593 for more information.

• On Monday, Jan. 13 the MCJROTC Marksmanship Team traveled to the Colleton County High School Annual Lowcountry Match where they won first place of seven teams. Team members were Jackson Canaday, Christian Navarro, Judson Arnett, and Marc Corlett.  Team Captain Jackson Canaday was the high team shooter and had the second highest individual score of all shooters in the match with a 231 out of 300.



• Thursday, Jan. 16: Next Parents’ Association Meeting at 8:30 a.m. (right after drop off).

The Pre-K and Kindergarten students at Beaufort Academy were surprised to find snow at the end of their journey on the Polar Express. Many thanks to Triangle Ice and the Potter Family for donating the snow, to BA parent Will Gibbons for delivering it, and to BA parent Scott May for helping to prep it.
The Pre-K and Kindergarten students at Beaufort Academy were surprised to find snow at the end of their journey on the Polar Express. Many thanks to Triangle Ice and the Potter Family for donating the snow, to BA parent Will Gibbons for delivering it, and to BA parent Scott May for helping to prep it.

• Friday, Jan. 17: Rootbeer float fundraiser during first through 12th grade lunches for the junior class.

• Monday, Jan. 20: No school in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

• Tuesday, Jan. 21: No school for PreK – 4th grade students due to parent/teacher conferences and faculty professional development.

• Save the Date: Friday, Feb. 14: Beaufort Academy Homecoming Basketball Games.  Homecoming queen to be crowned during halftime of the Boys Varsity game.

• Start the New Year right and register today for the Chilly Bean 5K and Chili Cook-off, to be held on Saturday, February 1, at Coosaw Point. Pre-registration by Jan. 25 is $30/adult and $15 for 18 and under. Race Day Registration is $35/adult and $20 for 18 and under. Tickets to the chilly cook off only are $10 each or family pass for $40. Register at BA or online at  Visit the event website,, for all the information including on and off line registration.


• Joshua Forbes of Beaufort, S.C., has been named to the Fall 2013 Dean’s List at Coker

Mr. David Mixson of Tiger Express presented a check for $1,000 to Beaufort High School. This grant money was funded in part by the 2013 Educational Alliance sponsored by ExxonMobil. Mr. Mixson wrote the grant on Beaufort High’s behalf and ExxonMobil awarded the school $500. Mr. Mixson generously matched that amount from his business and presented the school with a check for $1,000 to be used for math and science resources. Pictured above: Assistant Principal Cindy Rini accepts the $1,000 grant check from David Mixson.
Mr. David Mixson of Tiger Express presented a check for $1,000 to Beaufort High School. This grant money was funded in part by the 2013 Educational Alliance sponsored by ExxonMobil. Mr. Mixson wrote the grant on Beaufort High’s behalf and ExxonMobil awarded the school $500. Mr. Mixson generously matched that amount from his business and presented the school with a check for $1,000 to be used for math and science resources. Pictured above: Assistant Principal Cindy Rini accepts the $1,000 grant check from David Mixson.

College for earning a 3.75 or higher grade point average (on a 4.0 scale).

• The following students are among more than 1,400 Bob Jones University students named to the Dean’s List for grades achieved during the Fall 2013 semester. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a 3.0 GPA:

• Amber Ferguson of Beaufort. Ferguson is a Sophomore Business major.

• Benjamin Robinson of Beaufort. Robinson is a Junior Business Administration major.


• New Student Enrollment for the 2014-2015 school year will take place through Friday,
Jan. 31. Applications for students in Kindergarten through 8th grade can now be downloaded via the school’s website. Options for returning completed applications to Riverview are as follows:

1. Drop off to front office at Riverview from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday;

2. Via USPS mail to: Riverview Charter School, 81 Savannah Highway, Beaufort, SC 29906;

3. Fax to Riverview at 843-379-0133;

4. Scan and email completed applications to

In addition, tours of the school are available at 9 a.m. on Wednesdays during the month of January, and an Open House will be held for all prospective students and their families at Riverview on Thursday, January 23 at 6 p.m.

Once applications are received, Riverview will mail a postcard confirmation within three business days to the address on the application.  If you do not receive a confirmation postcard by Thursday, January 30, please call the office at 843-379-0123.

Lady’s Island Middle School students Nicole Marsh and Chloe Gartner delivered Christmas cards in person to all the residents at Bayview Manor Nursing Home. The girls spent their afternoon reading the cards to the residents and wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Lady’s Island Middle School students Nicole Marsh and Chloe Gartner delivered Christmas cards in person to all the residents at Bayview Manor Nursing Home. The girls spent their afternoon reading the cards to the residents and wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



• Superintendent Jeff Moss has put forward an initial proposal to redraw many school attendance zones across the district to make room for future growth, reduce the need to rezone frequently in high-growth areas, balance student demographics and further the concept of “community schools” that serve specific neighborhoods. The superintendent made his proposal to the Board of Education’s Student Services Committee, which requested that information on several alternate plans be compiled for discussion at two additional meetings scheduled for Jan. 23 and 30.  Parents, educators and community members are invited ask questions and make comments at those meetings, both set for 4:30 p.m. at Okatie Elementary School.

• Just four months after being honored by the U.S. Department of Education as a National Blue Ribbon School, Okatie Elementary was named as one of two elementary school finalists for prestigious statewide 2014 “Palmetto’s Finest” honors.


• The 5th grade class at St. Peter Catholic School is collecting nearly new (or new) books for

St. Peter Catholic School’s Homes for the Holidays Tour raised $45,000 for the school’s tuition assistance fund. The November gala and weekend tour has been taking place for 13 years and has become one of Beaufort’s sparkling holiday events. Thank you to all those in the school, parish and the community who made this possible. Pictured above, from left, is Rev. Father Paul MacNeil, Principal Joseph Benning, Mary Cunningham, Elizabeth Dardes and Heather Burton.
St. Peter Catholic School’s Homes for the Holidays Tour raised $45,000 for the school’s tuition assistance fund. The November gala and weekend tour has been taking place for 13 years and has become one of Beaufort’s sparkling holiday events. Thank you to all those in the school, parish and the community who made this possible. Pictured above, from left, is Rev. Father Paul MacNeil, Principal Joseph Benning, Mary Cunningham, Elizabeth Dardes and Heather Burton.

Child Abuse Prevention Association’s (CAPA) Open Arms Shelter, in order to stock their library for the children who stay there. The goal is to be able to give each child a book to keep. Beginning January 6 and continuing through the month, book donations may be dropped off at the school office. Please contact the school at 843-522-2163 with any questions or if you are interested in helping deliver the books when the collection ends.


Mildred Saunders, custodian at Whale Branch Elementary School was recently recognized as employee of the month.

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