• Lights on For Life: Monday, December 31, sponsored by the Battery Creek High School

SADD Club. As you are out celebrating New Years Eve with family and friends, remember to wear your seat belt and drive safely. The members of the SADD Club would like to ask everyone out driving on Monday, December 31, to drive with your headlights on, showing support for our campaign for a safe holiday on South Carolina’s highways.
• The BCHS SADD Club is collecting the front of holiday cards for the recycle program at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children. Cards for any occasion can be donated, but must be free of any writing on the inside of the front of the card. (We cannot collect Hallmark, Disney or American Greeting cards for this program.) St. Jude’s Ranch for Children recycles used greeting cards and creates new holiday and all-occasion greeting cards. Recycled cards are sold to support programs and services for abused, neglected and homeless children, young adults and families. Card fronts may be dropped off with Mrs. Grooms in the front office at Battery Creek High School. Card fronts are accepted year round for any holiday/birthday.
• The Beaufort-Jasper Academy for Career Excellence Agriculture Department will hold an Adult Education meeting on the second Tuesday of each month beginning on January 14 at 5:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Anyone interested in Animal Science or Horticulture is welcome to attend. Please call Agriculture teacher Mrs. Beth Ann Melton at 843-987-8107 or email for more information.
• Parents of Special Needs Students: Please join us for a parent workshop, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This workshop will benefit parents of students who are receiving specific modifications in classes. Topics of discussion include What is Section 504? Who is eligible for 504 Plan? How would a 504 Plan help my child? 504 Compliance and Requirements. The workshop will be held Thursday, January 9, 2014, at Robert Smalls Middle School, Room J-1, 6 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by Beaufort County School Parent/Community REACH Center and presented by Parents Reaching Out to Parents of South Carolina (PRO-Parents). This is a free workshop, refreshments served. All participants will receive a two-hour certificate of attendance. Call to register 1-800-759-4776 or 803-772-5688.
• The 5th grade class at St. Peter Catholic School is collecting nearly new (or new) books for Child Abuse Prevention Association’s (CAPA) Open Arms Shelter, in order to stock their library for the children who stay there. The goal is to be able to give each child a book to keep. Beginning January 6 and continuing through the month, book donations may be dropped off at the school office. Please contact the school at 843-522-2163 with any questions or if you are interested in helping deliver the books when the collection ends.