• Saturday, Nov. 9: Blue & White Class Golf Tournament, Barbeque Dinner (includes beer and wine), and Auction. The tournament will be held at The Sanctuary Golf Club at Cat Island, and dinner and the

auction at Cat Island Grill & Pub at the Sanctuary Golf Club. Registration for the golf tournament, which includes two tickets to the dinner and auction, is $125 per player, or a ticket only for the dinner and auction is $30 per person. All proceeds to benefit athletics at Beaufort Academy. See or call 843-524-3393 for more.
• Monday, Nov. 11: No school.
• Save the Date: Beaufort Cooks for Thanksgiving. Cooks needed to help with the BA fundraiser; all proceeds will benefit the Pre-K/Kindergarten building. The are collecting home-baked casseroles, soups, breads, pies , desserts and much more. The food will be sold Monday, Nov. 25 from 2 to 6 p.m. at The Kitchen, located in Newpoint Corners on Lady’s Island. Donations can be dropped off that morning. For questions, contact Maggie Mitchell at 271-0912 or
E.C. Montessori School is hosting a free infant play group entitled Montessori Mommies. Mothers are invited to bring their infants for this fun and informative gathering. The group meets every other Tuesday at 9 a.m. Please call the school at 525-1141 or come by 15 Celadon Dr., Lady’s Island.
Parents of special needs students:
Please attend a parent workshop, Positive Behavior Interventions (PBI), on Nov. 14 at Robert Smalls Middle School, Room J-1, from 6 to 8 p.m. This workshop will benefit parents of students with special needs who are experiencing behavior issues within school. Topics of discussion include Functional Behavior Assessment, Positive Behavior Interventions, Examples of Planned Interventions. Sponsored by Beaufort County School Parent/Community REACH Center and presented by Parents Reaching Out to Parents of South Carolina (PRO-Parents). Call to register: 1-800-759-4776 or 803-772-5688.
The military is an important part of our community and to show their appreciation for all our

servicemen and women do, St. Peter’s Catholic School students took part in The Big Thank You 2013. The Big Thank You’s goal is that every member of the military serving outside the United States receive a note of gratitude on Thanksgiving Day. Classes K-3 through eighth drew cards or wrote letters of thanks that will be sent to those deployed overseas — more than 150 letters were sent.
The National Honor Society Induction Ceremony was held on Thursday, October 31. These are the new inductees: Braxton Jamaude Bowers, Tiffany Danielle Brown, Danai Rene Butler, Yvonne Nia Clement, Deasia Alixandra Danladi, Tiffany Iman Dantzler, Cheleen Kadesia Doe, E’lexus Marie Donaldson, Naomi Sabrina Frazier, Julissa Garcia, Kayla M. Greene, Nathan Desmond Green, Monae’sha Sharee Hamilton, Mark Bennett Hatcher, Austin Logan Holbrook, Imani Nyasha Jiles, Ambria Ciona Lamar, Byron Tavon Lloyd, Danielle Cherita Mack, Pedro Mendoza, Simeon Jerome Middleton, Malford Eugene Minter-Ford, Jimesha Nicole Mitchell, Elizabeth Orie Peeples, Justin Christopher Pope, Ryan Edward Reed, Ta’nasia Shantrice Roper, Jessica Tayler Coleman Seeger, Milton Uvense Serrano, Tasheera Natae Singleton, Austin Zavier Suarez, Rebekah Taylor, Olivia Kaylyn Walker, Tanya Rose Weller, Ayshia Simone White, Daisia Andarreen Wilson, Latrelle Evonta Witter, Mykesha DeJontae Wolfe, Deshaun Markell Wright, Zaria Monet Wright.