School Notes


• Any BCHS student interested in being a part of the 2013 Girls Golf Team should contact Coach Bailey at 843-263-5865. Students may also contact Coach Bailey at  Sports physicals are being given on Saturday, July 27 from 9 to 11 a.m. Sports Physical forms are available in the front office of Battery Creek High School.

• BCHS Freshman Orientation will be held August 6, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. All incoming freshman are encouraged to attend this day long orientation session. Lunch and bus services will be provided. Students should plan to wear school uniform for this event.

Call Diane Grooms at 322-5582 for more information or to register.

• The BCHS SADD Club is collecting boxes of tissues for classrooms for the 2013-2014 School Year. All donations may be left in the front office for Mrs. Grooms.  Donations are needed by August 5.  Please call Mrs. Grooms at 322-5580/322-5582 with any questions.

• Dolphin Pride Marching Band Camp orientation will be held Friday, August 2, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for parents/guardians, band members and color guard.

• Band Camp Week 1: Monday, Aug. 5 to Friday, Aug. 9.: 6:30 a.m.. to 6 p.m. Drum Major & Section Leaders; 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., ALL Band Members & Color Guard

• Band Camp Week 2: Monday, Aug. 12 to Thursday, Aug. 15: 4 to 8 p.m., Drum Major & Section Leaders; 4:30 to 8 p.m., ALL Band Members & Color Guard. Students need to pack a lunch. No one will be permitted to leave campus during lunch or breaks. Reminders: Wear light colored clothes and sneakers. Bring a water bottle with your name on it. Water and Gatorade will be provided during breaks. Contact Ms. Brokenborough at


• The final session of Camp Make & Take will be held July 22-26, 9-11 a.m.  This is a FREE camp offered to northern Beaufort County teens focused on 3-D printer technology.  Please visit, or call 843-524-3393, for more information.

• British Soccer Camp, by Challenger Sports, will be held at Beaufort Academy the week of August 5 for ages 3-18 years old.  Each day includes individual foot skills, technical drills, tactical practices, small-sided games, coached scrimmages, and a daily tournament.  More information can be found at, under Camp Eagle.  Camp is open to the community.

• An SAT Prep Class is being held the week of August 9 at Beaufort Academy from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.  The cost is $350 and includes a copy of the Princeton SAT Prep Book for each student.  You may register online by going to the Beaufort Academy website ( and clicking the Camp Eagle icon. Or you may drop your check off at the main office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday. • Beaufort Academy is incredibly proud of our two students who have been awarded the chance to spend their junior years studying abroad through Rotary sponsorships!

McKenzie Blake:

Beaufort Academy student McKenzie Blake will spend her junior year studying abroad in Sweden at Tibble Gymnasium, a high school enrolling 1,150 students.  McKenzie,

McKenzie Blake
McKenzie Blake

who is sponsored by Rotary Club of Hampton County, will leave on July 28 and return the following July.  While in Sweden, she will be immersed in the Swedish language and live with multiple families during her stay.

“I have always been interested in summer aboard programs,” said Blake.  “One day, as I was researching some programs and I came across Rotary’s long term stay and realized that is what I wanted to do.”  Blake sees language as her biggest challenge during the 12-month stay. Blake is most excited about the experience itself, and plans to soak up all she can during her exchange program.

Ben Hetherington: Beaufort Academy student Ben Hetherington will spend his junior year studying abroad in Spain at I.E.S. Ana Maria Matute.  Ben, who is Ben Hetheringtonsponsored by the Beaufort Rotary Club, will leave in August, and return next July at the close of his junior year.  While is Spain, Ben will be immersed in the Spanish language and live with three different families during his 9-month stay. “I have always had a fascination with travel and other cultures,” said Hetherington.  “I saw this trip abroad as a way not only to learn another culture but to truly live it.”



E.C. Montessori and grade school is happy to introduce Laura Lopresto McKeown as the educational director at the school for the 2013/14 school year.  Laura is a certified Montessori teacher with 14 years of experience, most recently at our school.  She is already hard at work managing our summer camp for 3 – 6 year old children and year round toddler program. This week the camp will have a “Rhythm Band Jam” which will include making instruments from recycled materials and using them to make music. Camp and toddler lessons include Montessori instruction.  Hours are 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.

The school is also delighted that the fully certified Montessori Elementary teacher, Amy Horn, is returning to teach 6 to 9 year old children in a fully equipped classroom.  For more information, stop by the school at Celadon on Sams Point Road for a tour or packet of information or call 525-1141.

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