• Saturday, June 8: Clash Of The Classes VII
Basketball Games: Alumni vs. Current Players. 5 p.m. Girls game; 6:15 Low Country Shootout; 6:30 Sharp Shooter 3pt Competition; 6:45 Rise High Slam Dunk Competition; 7 p.m. Boys game; Halftime: Presentation of Scholarship. Admission: $5Adult $3, Students; Event Sponsored by: BC Class of 1996 Scholarship Fund Corp.
First 100 people will receive free gift.
• Two Beaufort High School seniors were announced as winners of National Merit Scholarships. Michael Cook and Adam Lipsitz are among 8,000 high school seniors nationwide who will receive $2,500 National Merit Scholarships for college study. About 1.5 million juniors in 22,000 high schools entered the 2013 National Merit Scholarship competition when they took the 2011 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, which served as an initial screening of program entrants. About 16,000 students were named last fall as semifinalists, representing less than 1 percent of the nation’s seniors.
• Summer dates for Camp Make & Take have been set for July 8-12 and July 22-26, 9-11 a.m. This is a FREE

camp offered to northern Beaufort County teens focused on 3-D printer technology. Please visit, or call 843-524-3393, for more information. Class sizes are limited, so register soon.
• Camp Eagle at Beaufort Academy is offering a variety of summer camps for ages 3-18 throughout June and July, ranging from Circus Camp, to different sports camps, to art camps, to SAT Prep. The first camps begin as soon as June 17. Please visit, or call 843-524-3393 for more information.
• Spaces are still available for CAMP INVENTION at Coosa Elementary School. Take advantage of the Spring into Summer discount being offered right now. Register at or contact Karyn Levesque at 322-6114 if you have any questions. Camp dates are July 8- 11.
• EC Montessori and Grade School began its summer camp and day care program for children 3 – 6 years old on Monday, June 3 with the theme “Food Fun” . Each succeeding week will have a different theme. The toddler Montessori program and day care continues through the summer for children 18 months to 3 years of age. Registration for the 2013-14 school year for older children is now open. Call 525-1141 for further information, go online, or come by the school at 15 Celadon
Drive on Lady’s Island.
• Friday, June 7: 11 a.m. Students Dismissed, Half Day of School, Last Day for students.

• Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority (BJWSA) held its Customer Appreciation Event last week in conjunction with the American Water Works Association’s Drinking Water Week. In addition to a customer appreciation drop-in with BJWSA staff, students from BJWSA’s two-county service area also participated in our annual poster contest. Students from both counties entries for the contest, with the theme “What do you know about H20”. The winning artist, a sixth grader at Thomas Heyward Academy, and her entire class received gift certificates, compliments of BJWSA. BJWSA’s annual poster contest is open to students in grades four through eight.
• Okatie Elementary School data specialist Lisa Nelson was announced as the Beaufort County School District’s “Support Person of the Year.” Nelson’s selection was announced at a breakfast recognizing schools’ individual honorees. “Ms. Nelson and our other nominees demonstrate every day how vitally important support staff are in day-to-day school operations,” said Acting Superintendent Jackie Rosswurm. “For teachers to be effective in their classrooms, they have to have top-notch professional support from social workers, school nurses, bookkeepers, office managers, teacher assistants, school secretaries, and technology and data specialists.” Nelson was one of five finalists chosen from 30 school nominees based on their applications, and those finalists were interviewed by a team of judges.
• More than 1,100 seniors will don caps and gowns this week to receive their diplomas during ceremonies at five high schools across the district. “These ceremonies are very significant events in the lives of our students, their families and the many educators who have worked with them down through the years,” said Board of Education Chairman Bill Evans. “It’s a time to celebrate this accomplishment, to look back at what it took to get here, and also to look ahead. Whether our new graduates are heading on to college, entering the military or beginning their careers, we wish them the very best.”
The school district’s Class of 2013 has earned $22.8 million in college scholarships, and its members have acceptance letters in hand from more than 200 colleges and universities across the nation.
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