• Thursday, March 21: Science Expo featuring BA’s Middle and High School students’ projects — community welcome to view projects from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
• Thursday, March 21: Eagles Eat Out at Upper Crust. Upper Crust on Lady’s Island will donate

20% of proceeds from 6-9 p.m. to BA.
• Friday, March 22: Interim 2013 Expo, those interested in attending should contact BA for more info. 843-524-3393.
• Saturday, March 23: The annual Junior Class Community Yard Sale, begins at 7 a.m. in the BA gym.
• Tuesday, March 26: Tours of the new mini-Mac lab and 3-D printer to be held in the library, 6:45 p.m.
• Tuesday, March 26: Town Hall Meeting in Learning Center Conference Room, 7:30 p.m.
• Wednesday, March 27: Special Assembly for students in PreK – 6th grades for Savannah Sand Gnats Book Bugs Program, 2:30 p.m.
• Reminder: Friday, March 29: No classes in observance of Good Friday, followed by Spring Break the week of April 1.
• Discount for early registration ends March 28. Camp Invention at Coosa ES spaces are available, and there is a discount right now for spring registrations before March 28. Take advantage of this great opportunity for your child. Camp Invention presents children with real-world challenges, allowing them to solve problems through engaging hands-on investigation, experiments through science, technology, engineering and math taught by Coosa’s own certified teachers. Designed to foster higher levels of learning while fostering critical thinking and collaboration Camp Invention is preparing students for the future. Please contact Karyn Levesque at 322-6114 if you have any questions about registration or go to to register. Camp dates are July 8-11.
• The third quarter ends March 22.
• Report cards will be sent home March 28
• The Easter Holiday is March 29- April 5,
• Holy Trinity Classical Christian School (HTCCS) is now enrolling for the 2013-2014 academic school year in grades Pre-K (ages 2 +) through sixth grade. Applications can be found online at or retrieved in person at the school. For more information on enrollment, to schedule a school tour or to inquire about tuition assistance, contact HTCCS at (843) 522-0660 or via email at
• On Friday, March 15, Lady’s Island Elementary welcomed the director of the ABC Project, Christine Fisher, as the ABC Project celebrates its 25th Anniversary. Mrs. Fisher is visiting all of

the ABC sites across South Carolina during the month of March, which is Music in Our Schools Month, Youth Art Month, Dance in Our Schools Month, and Theatre in Our Schools Month. The ABC Project grants out monies to schools that believe in the power of a quality arts education and demonstrate a commitment
to promoting the arts. Students entertained Mrs. Fisher, her husband, and author Claudia Cornett as the school’s arts specialists showcased their D’Arts (Differentiated Arts) programs: Show Choir, Drumming, Guitar, TACT (Visual Art), LEAP (Dance), and Theatre. Lady’s Island Elementary hopes to remain an arts integrated school of choice and an ABC site for many years to come.
• Monday, March 25: PASS Writing Makeup
• Tuesday, March 26: 4 p.m. Baseball/Softball at Basil Green

• Tuesday, March 26: Spring MAP Testing
• Wednesday, March 27: 4:30 p.m. Track at LIMS
• Wednesday, March 27: Spring MAP Testing
• Wednesday, March 27: Math/Science Night, Dinner Serve
• Wednesday, March 27: Last Day of Third Quarter
• LIMS 5th Grade Team is sponsoring a Yard Sale Fundraiser on Saturday, March 23 from 8 a.m. to noon in the LIMS Parking Lot near the bus ramp. Fifth Grade students are raising funds towards their STEM fieldtrip to the Kennedy Space Center. Anyone is welcomed to rent a parking space for $10 to sell their gently used items and keep their entire profit.
Tables can be rented for $5 each if needed.
ANY fifth grade student is encouraged to rent a space and table to sell their gently used items to pay for their own cost of the trip.
If you are unable to sell items at the event, then come out and do some shopping.
• Applications are available in the Guidance Office for students to apply for a $500 scholarship to be used for helping students plan for their futures. The scholarship is provided through the Beaufort County Education Association’s Young Leaders Scholarship Program. The applications are available for current 5th, 6th and 7th graders. GPA must be 2.0 or above. Students must gather three letters of reference and write an essay. Application deadline is May 1.
• Friday, March 22: Uniform Free Friday & BoxTops Collection
• Saturday, March 23: Beaufort Twilight Run & Oyster Roast
• The complex ecology and peaceful beauty of Port Royal Sound serves as the inspiration for a new collection of art and poetry by Beaufort County School District students.
“River of Words: Musings on Port Royal Sound through Poetry and Art 2013,” was unveiled at a Friday evening reception at ARTworks in Beaufort. The student publication is the culmination of an interdisciplinary learning experience about the sound’s watersheds.
“When children spend more time indoors and online than outdoors, there’s a legitimate concern that viewing nature only ‘virtually’ will lead to a diminished awareness of our local ecology and our ‘sense of place’ in the larger scheme of things, said Margaret Rushton, the school district’s fine arts coordinator. “This project helps to counteract that trend.”
Rushton said that 3,000 first- through 12th-graders from 22 district schools accepted the “River of Words” challenge last fall to extend learning beyond classroom walls and into neighboring marshes, beaches and maritime forests. More than 100 science, English language Arts, math, gifted and talented and visual arts teachers joined forces to design interdisciplinary units of study that examined local watersheds from multiple perspectives.
Students and teachers equipped with binoculars, cameras and sketchbooks experienced first-hand the intricacies of Port Royal Sound. They tested water quality, studied stormwater run-off and discussed the effects of pollution and population growth. They kayaked the May River, rode in a South Carolina Department of Natural Resources “Discovery Vessel,” witnessed abundant wildlife at Nemours Plantation, toured Hunting Island State Park and explored the natural history and cultural heritage of the Lowcountry at Coastal Discovery Museum.
Following these scientific discoveries, she said, students were charged to transform their new knowledge into poems and art. “River of Words” is filled with their creativity.
• March 28 through April 5: Spring Break.

• Congratulations to Michelle Gee for being selected for the all expenses paid trip to Mercy College’s International Relations & Diplomacy Summer Program in New York City. She’ll be attending the July 15-19 session. She’ll be participating in:
• Discussions, guest lectures and lunch with international diplomacy experts addressing the world’s current events;
• Learning the fundamentals of diplomacy and peace-keeping;
• Behind-the-scenes visits to the United Nations and country missions;
• Interactive activities such as public speaking, geography and solving world problems, that provide practice in writing, research, peer collaboration and negotiating.
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